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Traveling RT 70 heading to Pittsburgh
America offers breathtaking panaramio’s, even in the East
They shall look
They who pierced
They shall mourn
No way to spiritualize this away,
Unless you handle it corruptly, wresting it out of context
Here’s a little passage that shows why the Babylonian captivity was merely TYPICAL of what Mystery Babylon is doing NOW…..
Millennial verses prove that God Himself put Israel AFTER THE FLESH back into THEIR land,
unless you cannot understand the Kings English
If you must dream?
Dream large…..
But, during the Millennial Reign of Christ (Day 7 is fast approaching) these realities will be the rule
But first, a great slaughter of thankless creatures, after gleaning fruit from Gods field
Daniel 11:38
But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
The devils running this show figured out a long time ago HOW TO MOVE the masses via FORCE…..
Media is a tool for this CRAFT, and ignorance,
So Paul says (7) times, don’t be ignorant!
Ignorance functions where Truth is shunned
Go vote, you will still be ruled by inferiors…..but you’ll always know that on top of that, your vote doesn’t count for shit
Saw this and thought…..?
Why not teach a civics class with a “Socialism simulator”….
Issue paychecks and watch how much disappears taking care of loafers and do-nothings,
Oh yeah, teachers don’t really want that to be learned (NEA)
What makes the soil so hardened?
Why the soil becomes unfruitful?
Why the soil needs amended?
Jesus explained this “Parable of the Soils”
(4) responses to Gods word (Matthew 13)
Larry Crabb explains why people focus on their needs so incessantly
This explains why people would rather watch talking heads discuss election rather than speak with God (Bible and prayer)
Want to dive in 150 years ago…..
Princeton University
Charles Hodge
Systematic Theology
free online
Here’s a glimpse at chapter 11,
Providence (no God is not bankrupt, even if Hodge comes up blank on some topics)
Knowing this will not change anything, but it certainly fosters personal strength to stand strong against tyranny.
What fool buys a “conceal /carry” permit with a 2nd amendment “in hand”?
Today, we installed horse fencing for a retired couple (both artists) who did sculptures in bronze….
One is outside M and T Stadium in Baltimore.
Sosthenes (Acts 18:17, 1 Cor. 1:1)
Acts 18:15-17
15 But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters.
16 And he drave them from the judgment seat.
17 Then all the Greeks took Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat. And Gallio cared for none of those things.
“……walk as men”,
How many Christians know that God has something far, far better for them?
The only valid “religion” (works done by man to appropriate close proximity to God) in Scripture is Judaism.
Christians emphasize a personal relationship because Christ did all the work….believers are mere recipients,