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I want everyone to know that although China is giving their people covid vaccine, their vaccine is actually a real vaccine, made from “dead coronavirus”.
They have not approved either the Moderna / Pfizer mRNA shot or the Johnson & Johnson DNA shot.
Also, they just officially ended the one-child policy, announced a new policy that encourages couples to have three children.
As people drop dead in the west, China will colonize the entire planet.
There is no virus
@tab1436 @Tianmiao_wang ROFLMAO They can't even prove there is a virus. This is a total lie. If you know so much about China why are you not talking about the activation of 5G through out the whole city Of Wuhan on Halloween 2019? Where we saw people falling over in china? Are there any videos in where else in the world showing people falling over from this fake virus?? NO! This was a 5G attack on WuHan nothing else. Anything else is bat sht crazy. lol So now china also made a vaccine
Update from Washington state:
GOP in 33 out of 39 counties have adopted election integrity resolution.
King county is the bluest county in the State, there’s a very active King County election integrity committee. We are pushing very hard to audit the ballots in WA.
WA GOP delegates have also visited AZ audit site.
Lots of rinos in WA are working with the wokist party to prevent the audit. We are fighting back.
@jrkuvoski @Tianmiao_wang Very good news.
@Tianmiao_wang Very good news.
Let’s encourage all leftists to take the covid shot.
Try everything we can to stop conservatives from taking it.
The world will be a better place.
The problem is one day we may have to support those incapacitated disease ridden zombies.
In Vietnam, people eat 4 million dogs every year. They torture the dogs right before killing them because after being tortured the dog meat “tastes better”. Dogs produce adrenochrome when being tortured. Vietnamese probably don’t know what adrenochrome is but they are addicted to tortured dogs’ meat.
I hear that in America and Europe, little children who produce adrenochrome are the “elites” dogs. And blood transfusion.
What will the snowflakes do when the dam breaks and such truths come out?
I have been hearing such stories for some time now and it’s hard to believe. But I have no reason to doubt Lin Wood.
I will admit, it’s making me super anxious.
(By the way the Vietnamese eating tortured dog part is absolutely true. Go to Vietnam and you will see it happening everyday and everywhere)
Washington State legislature has passed “Clean Cars 2030,” a bill setting a goal to require all light-duty vehicles of model year 2030 or later to be electric. The bill passed as part of a larger package… OK by me.
Washington State or Washington, D.C.
Don't seem to be FREE.
Happier on the backroads of the South.
When I see a leftist condemning racism, I hear “I hate Christianity and their god”. Everything they do is use language and narrative to kill Christ the second time.
Satan is in control of their minds. Prove me wrong.
Leftists are morally and mentally corrupt people.
Now their DNA will also be corrupted by Luciferan covid vaccine.
I am not sure they are still the same species as mine?
@Tianmiao_wang, the TRUE Zombie Apocalypse?
What do you think of this?
Color blindness is now racism
“Color blindness ignores the fact that an individual is impacted by the experience of a larger community.” @jrkuvoski
Based on my observation, it’s not about white. It’s more about Christian values and any other values that are instrumental in humanity’s thrift.
They want to dumb down then enslave humanity by shaming and removing all good values that have been ingrained in human societies for thousands of years.
Brainwashed leftists are their collaborators.
The world is watching. And laughing at us.
@Tianmiao_wang You are right, The world is watching but most of human race already evolve beyond division by border, country, nation or culture, color of skin and such. No, they are not laughing... It’s time for a realization that we are in/ on the same ‘ship’ ... it’s called Earth.
P.S. it seems the hardest division to be free from it’s a grip of Religions. But it’s time to fly free or... else.
@Tianmiao_wang I am taking back my words ‘ most of human race’ . I honestly admit that it’s overstatement an eco of my wishful thinking. Sincerely apologize for unintentional super optimistic projection.
@Tianmiao_wang In this dream world @Andrateya where everyone is getting along, where do the Muslims fit in? Do we all get along after they kill all those that refuse to convert? I doubt they will 'fly free.' How about in South Africa, where White genocide is going on, now coming the the U.S.
This wonderful, 'One World' people like to speak of sounds a lot like what the Nazis wanted or what China wants. No room for anyone with differing opinions or beliefs.
There’s no judeo-Christian.
There’s only judeo-communism.
Language is important. It’s a cultural war and a spiritual war.
Aside from the comical falls by actor Biden, can you categorically say that’s a real airplane?
Those patches look like sloppy paint job. Maybe those are shadows or
reflections but the shapes of shadows and reflections change when the camera angles change. But in the video the shapes of those “reflections” don’t change.
@Tianmiao_wang good observations & dot connections
So I have been wondering who’s behind fake Biden’s obvious fakery. White hats or black hats?
If white hats, why?
If black hats, why?
I have never felt more saddened, enraged and unsafe. Our very survival is being threatened.
There’s only one way out of this: fight back.
I hope we all do. Lots of grassroots activities are going on in WA state right now but we are outnumbered by brain dead leftists.
I hope they all take the covid vaccine, the greatest gift from president Trump to humanity.
America is now the laughingstock of the world.
@Tianmiao_wang, now?
I thought it had been for a while.
We should bring back Christ in the west and Confucius in the east. That should be the next global culture movement.
The genocidal Judeo-communism should be treated like brain tumor, removed from all human societies. Or it will remove humanity.
I believe Jack Posobiec is a deep state plant to divide people. His tweets have always been unnecessarily divisive - instilling hatred without offering any solutions.
Isn’t it weird that twitter is letting him post ton of flaming tweets without flagging him?
He’s now on a mission to drive a wedge between Trump supporters and the military, especially the marines.
All divisive public figures are our enemies.
@Tianmiao_wang, don't you know you aren't supposed to notice that?
Ha I unfollowed him on twitter a year ago because his whining was such a turnoff - all whines (superficial ones) and no solutions.
I don’t care what his self identified pronoun is, that makes him a cynical bitch.
Or a nefarious figure whose aim is to divide.
This is also about dividing people and making people hate each other. Race wars. They are very good at this.
SOME black Americans living in Evanston, Illinois, who will be given $25,000 each as part of the city’s $10million reparations program don’t think it’s enough. The payout is suppo…
What about the Native American also known as the red man? About 100 million of us were murdered by the white man. They also violated every treaty we ever had, and they stole our land and forced us to move to a big prison called a reservation. How much should we get? My heritage is from the Sac and Fox Tribe of Iowa at the Mississippi.
The Origins of BlackNeo-Marxism. (according to this article)
“White” does not mean white. “White” in radical parlance means anyone of any race, creed, nationality, color, sex, or sexual preference who embraces capitalism, free markets, limited government, and American traditional culture and values.” Since the 1960s, all communist revolutionaries have known the maxim: “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
“White” does not mean white. “White” in radical parlance means anyone of any race, creed, nationality, color, sex, or sexual preference who embraces capitalism, free markets, limited government, and American…
Need To Know@Tianmiao_wang My grandmother was Cherokee....and on and on and on. We are all a massive mixed-race species. It is just another weapon in their arsenal of making people be at each other's throat. It isn't about reparations. It's about another way to eliminate people without having to pay anyone to do it. Just make us wipe ourselves out.
As an Asian American, I would like to report that the so called “hate crimes against Asian Americans” in fake Biden’s speech almost never happen.
Just another virtue signaling to divide people.
I want to slap them in the face when they feign their anger on behalf of me, making up some nonexistent victimhood. If I did, would that be hate crime against evil?
On the other hand there’s discrimination against yellow & white people when Harvard etc. admitting new students. Will they address that?
They are doing everything possible to divide people by skin color, gender, religion, background, party association, etc.
A divided nation is easy to control.
They are laughing their asses off watching the sheeple fighting among ourselves.
Everything they do is designed to psychologically condition the next generation to 1) pursue hedonism 2) avoid human reproduction
“California has proposed a bill to ban boys and girls sections in toy and clothing stores to create a “safe space” for children. They want to fine retailers 1,000$ for using the words “boy” and girl”…
Twitter@Tianmiao_wang, the vaccines will accomplish the lack of procreation.
No such thing as anal swab in China.
This person works for Chinese immigration at a big international airport.
Someone is having a lot of fun with the US MSM, feeding them hilarious humiliating stories. The current news cycle is shit, everything is fake.
@Tianmiao_wang You know I pretty much thought that it was a comedy skit but there have been a lot of people telling this story and some even showed drawings of men bending over with a nurse putting something up his butt. It's not funny, it is really sad that people have to stoop to that low.
There’s no telling who’s feeding the MSM news stories these days.
One thing for sure: nothing we see is real. Yet we give the media so much power because the media is calling an actor the president.
I have no problem with Trump promoting the Covid vaccine - he didn’t mandate it. People can take it or reject it on their own volition.
Those who choose to take it... will this planet miss them so much?
I mean there is a concern to the large mass of humanity that will potentially be eliminated by this demonic tool. I'm normally apathetic to the plights of mindless sheep, but a lot of these people have been very effectively brainwashed by this PSYOP scamdemic. We must at least educate our loved ones to not make a disastrous mistake.
@Tianmiao_wang So many people are freaking out, over President Trump seemingly "promoting" the vaccine during his speech. Okay, I'll admit, I was sitting here too, literally screaming at him through my screen to "shut up about the damn vaccines!" But in hindsight I think he didn't have much of a choice. There are still too many people who fully believe that the vaccine is the ONLY thing that can save them from the virus. Imagine what would have happened if he had told everyone NOT TO take it
@Tianmiao_wang We have so many brainwashed people that really believe they are protecting themselves and others by wearing a face mask, that does not block any viruses at all. I gave up on educating people on this because they are brainwashed by the Tell Lie Vision. The shot is probably killing more people than the virus. This was posted by the liar Fox media telling the truth for once.