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Jesus, I choose you.
Mass evacuation in Dubai
As if the US has any control over what China sells to Russia
Super Mario Toad lookalike Janet Yellen of the United States Treasury paid a visit to China recently where she threatened “consequences” if Chinese companies supply parts or equipment to the Russian military.…
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT from Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report | April 9, 2024
It is with a very heavy heart that I sit in front of our viewers and listeners to make yet another very sad announcement. Yesterday, Monday, I was notified that my oldest daughter Julie, Joe’s sister, was found dead, laying on the grass behind her house just after noon Eastern Time. It is important for me to stress that the circumstances surrounding her death remain undetermined at this time. I have been speaking with police detectives and will continue to do so until a complete resolution is reached.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Doug and family!
Mothers in #NewJersey are suing the state for illegally keeping the #DNA samples of #infants without their consent
A controversial database containing DNA samples collected from newborn babies in New Jersey is facing legal scrutiny after it was found state law enforcement agencies kept backdoor access to the information.…
www.naturalnews.comGold is at a record high - why it's set to go higher
Trump confirms rollout of 'medical miracle' Pfizer vaccine across US
PSA: Industrial meat producers are using “antibiotic-free” messaging + labeling to allay consumers’ fears about the use of antibiotics in industrial meat production — but many of those producers are substituting mRNA vaccines for antibiotics, without telling consumers.
No, this is not an April Fools' Day joke.
Industrial meat producers are using “antibiotic-free” messaging and labeling to allay consumers’ fears about the use of antibiotics in industrial meat production — but many of those producers are substituting…
Children's Health DefenseLiving long is not as important as living well. We can help at Natural Health .
Research revealed that Seventh-day Adventist church members live longer lives than non-Adventists in the same geographical area. What are they doing right?
articles.mercola.comTrailer hauling Bibles intentionally set on fire on Easter Sunday in Wilson County
Investigations are underway after a suspicious trailer fire in Wilson County on Easter Sunday. Officials say that a trailer full of Bibles was intentionally set on fire.
www.newschannel5.comChina Warns Citizens Inside USA: Prepare for "Various unexpected situations"
A strange warning has been issued by China to any of its citizens located in the United States: "take safety precautions and be prepared for 'various unexpected situations.'
According to the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several Chinese students and company employees have recently been subjected to “unwarranted interrogations and harassment” by US airport law enforcement officers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on its WeChat account on Friday.
Their phones, computers and other luggage items were searched piece by piece, and several people were banned from entering the country, it said.
To most casual observers, this "warning" from China makes no sense. At worst, perhaps twenty people from China have had unusual incidents trying to enter the United States; hardly a reason for such a large warning. Unless . . .
So-called "Conspiracy theorists" are wondering if this "warning" is actually a "signal" to Chinese forces already inside the US; sort of a notice to "prepare for action?"
After all, such folks say, how can anyone, anywhere, "prepare for various UNEXPECTED situations?" They point out that no one can do that, and thus the tin-foil-hat folks -- who often are proven to be correct -- wonder if this is more of a signal, than a warning?
Why were 4 of the 18 underwater global economy comms cables under the red sea cut? AG, TGN, seacom, and AAE-1?