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Hi, Where to start, I have owned and run a vitamin store business for the past 28 years, happily married since 2005. have 3 Children, I Love The Lord!, Jesus IS my Lord and Savior. I want to do what ever i can to bring God All The Glory. Glad to see a site like this up and running. :)
Hi, Where to start, I have owned and run a vitamin store business for the past 28 years, happily married since 2005. have 3 Children, I Love The Lord!, Jesus IS my Lord and Savior. I want to do what ever i can to bring God All The Glory. Glad to see a site like this up and running. :)
UPDATE: The situation with InfoWars being shut down by the government is accelerating. Although InfoWars dodged a bullet over the weekend, likely due to all the huge outpouring of public awareness, things are heating up as early as tomorrow, and there's a very real possibility the courts may attempt to shut down the InfoWars offices (locking the doors, seizing equipment, etc.) TOMORROW (Monday, June 3rd), and force them to stay offline until an upcoming emergency hearing on June 14th, during which the court is apparently going to decide whether InfoWars assets are to be immediately liquidated, effectively terminating the InfoWars broadcast infrastructure, which has always been the goal of the cabal in power. You are watching America slide into blatant despotism, where the government targets and jails its political opponents (Trump), tortures and jails peaceful protesters (J6) and shuts down opposition media by force. Stay tuned in to infowars dot com for live broadcasts by Alex and crew. Pray for them all, and make this whole situation go viral so that everybody sees the full force tyranny being unleashed against independent media in America. If the government shuts down InfoWars, the backlash against the regime will be historic. This will only further increase support for Trump and an electoral revolution in November.
Who Does the Land Belong to Israelis or Palestinians?
Liberal students in America:
5.5M killed in Congo
500K killed in Syria
500K killed in Sudan
400K killed in Yemen
300K killed in Iraq
250K killed in Afghanistan
20K killed in Gaza: GENOCIDE!!
No Jews, no news. They care about Gaza only because of their antisemitism.
(Eli David)
This goes for conservative’s too.
The Israeli military has been defeated in #Gaza, and they are now retreating. We've now seen that #Israel's only real military capabilities lie in bombing and slaughtering innocent, unarmed women and children who have no weapons, no air defenses and no armor. Or launching missiles at food air workers who are trying to feed the starving. Even then, the weak, snowflake #IDF has been defeated by the very people they hoped to destroy. Israel has only destroyed its reputation with the entire world, and #Netanyahu has put Israel on a path of self-destruction that will earn the Zionists a place in history alongside the worst genocidal mass murderers the world has ever known. I call for peace and humanitarian principles with universal respect for ALL people, of all ethnicities and origins.
@HealthRanger Block the hell out of this Tel-Aviv troll above me @Etzion and his Israeli Occupation buddies who liked his BS comment! John8:44 You belong to your father, the devil,(A) and you want to carry out your father’s desires.(B) He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
The Israeli military has been defeated in #Gaza, and they are now retreating. We've now seen that #Israel's only real military capabilities lie in bombing and slaughtering innocent, unarmed women and children who have no weapons, no air defenses and no armor. Or launching missiles at food air workers who are trying to feed the starving. Even then, the weak, snowflake #IDF has been defeated by the very people they hoped to destroy. Israel has only destroyed its reputation with the entire world, and #Netanyahu has put Israel on a path of self-destruction that will earn the Zionists a place in history alongside the worst genocidal mass murderers the world has ever known. I call for peace and humanitarian principles with universal respect for ALL people, of all ethnicities and origins.
@HealthRanger Block the hell out of this Tel-Aviv troll above me @Etzion and his Israeli Occupation buddies who liked his BS comment! John8:44 You belong to your father, the devil,(A) and you want to carry out your father’s desires.(B) He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
About SQUATTING: Who here thinks that if you come home and find some con artist sitting in your living room, presenting a counterfeit "lease" they created, claiming they now possess your home and you have to leave, that the actual homeowner should have the right to use *all* necessary physical force to immediately remove that person, including deadly force if necessary to defend their property?
Mike Adams you're involved in leading a message of Pro Evil? You Won't Believe This Until You See It!
5Although you are fully aware of this, I want to remind you that after Jesusa had delivered His people out of the land of Egypt, He destroyed those who did not believe. 6And the angels who did not stay within their own domain but abandoned their proper dwelling—these He has kept in eternal chains under darkness, bound for judgment on that great day. 7In like manner, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued strange flesh, are on display as an example of those who sustain the punishment of eternal fire.
Jude 1
Israel isn't using people shields but Hamas is. MSM is lying, portraying Israel as the Evil, while Hamas is. Special Middle East Update: The War in Israel
It's worth reminding us all that #Boeing makes the bombs that are dropped on women, children, cancer patients, students, professors, ambulance drivers and all sorts of other civilians in #Gaza. In fact, Boeing RUSHED a bomb shipment to #Israel recently, to make sure the genocidal carnage wasn't delayed. Boeing also tried to push vaccine mandates on all its workers, carrying out yet another form of harm that killed an unknown number of its own people. BOEING IS A CORPORATION OF DEATH. Profits at any cost.
Company expedited the shipment of 1,000 precision-guided munitions to Israel
www.middleeasteye.netThose cheerleading for WAR are the real anti-Semites because their actions will result in the annihilation of #Israel. If you care about Israel and the Jewish people, join me in calling for PEACE and diplomacy. See this announcement from Jewish Voice For Peace:
Israel is escalating its violence against Palestinians.
www.jewishvoiceforpeace.orgHave you noticed the number of so-called conservative influencers, writers and publishers who have long claimed to be PRO LIFE but now are calling for the total death of all Palestinians? Kinda shows you they have no principles at all, doesn't it? The never believed in "life." They were just riding the pro-life bandwagon until it became politically inconvenient for them.
But why did you load up your cabinet with #deepstate #swamp creatures? #Trump
Donald Trump has penned a scathing op-ed highlighting all of the crimes his opponents are claiming he committed that he says he never actually committed. Most of Trump’s op-ed deals with the allegation…
www.naturalnews.comWas the catastrophic, deadly fire in Maui, Hawaii started by a #climate cultist trying to blame climate change for more disasters? No way to know for sure, but we've seen MANY cases of left-wing arsonists caught trying to start wildfires, which the left-wing media blamed on "climate change." Remember, there's NOTHING these lunatics won't do to terrorize the planet into obeying their climate cult agenda...
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 27, 2023 - JP Morgan Chase targets Dr. Mercola's staff and FAMILY with vicious DE-BANKING attack
- Yellow trucking company to declare bankruptcy on Monday, says executive
- This will devastate logistics and commercial deliveries across the USA
- Former TRANS person sues doctors, clinic and counselors over "botched surgery" mutilation
- Former top government advisor testifies that alien beings were recovered from UFO crash
- All mainstream journalists are now obsolete as Google AI can write the same mindless stories
- Most corporate journalists are NPCs who are incapable of original thinking or reporting
- JP Morgan Chase de-banks Dr. Mercola's staff and their familiy members in nefarious attack on civil rights
- JP Morgan Chase was happy to do business with Jeffrey Epstein and will gladly bank with trans surgeon child mutilators
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 14, 2023 - Bombshell, historic court decision affirms cryptocurrencies are NOT regulated securities
- Huge court decision means cryptocurrencies aren't, themselves, securities
- Only when crypto is offered to institutional investors with CONTRACTS is it considered a security
- If XRP isn't a security when sold to the public through online exchanges then NOTHING IS
- Robert Kiyosaki urges people to move out of failed fiat and into #gold, #silver and #Bitcoin
- Almost exactly the same as my conclusions: Gold, silver and PRIVATE crypto
- BRICS meeting in August will spell the beginning of the end of global dollar dominance
- BRICS nations to announce a gold-back global cryptocurrency for international settlement
- Full interview with Peggy Hall, who is offering a free seminar: "Know Your Rights"
@HealthRanger the only true privacy is cash and coin (including precious metals) that is passed from one person to the next with out any bank involvement. People can say crypto is private but all crypto can be traces including any other form of digital payment and checks.
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 14, 2023 - Bombshell, historic court decision affirms cryptocurrencies are NOT regulated securities
- Huge court decision means cryptocurrencies aren't, themselves, securities
- Only when crypto is offered to institutional investors with CONTRACTS is it considered a security
- If XRP isn't a security when sold to the public through online exchanges then NOTHING IS
- Robert Kiyosaki urges people to move out of failed fiat and into #gold, #silver and #Bitcoin
- Almost exactly the same as my conclusions: Gold, silver and PRIVATE crypto
- BRICS meeting in August will spell the beginning of the end of global dollar dominance
- BRICS nations to announce a gold-back global cryptocurrency for international settlement
- Full interview with Peggy Hall, who is offering a free seminar: "Know Your Rights"
@HealthRanger the only true privacy is cash and coin (including precious metals) that is passed from one person to the next with out any bank involvement. People can say crypto is private but all crypto can be traces including any other form of digital payment and checks.
Jamie Foxx has been filmed NOT walking, NOT talking, and only waving with one arm, all of which is consistent with a stroke victim who still has motor control over half his body, but not so much the other half. We hope he heals quickly, but those who think a 12-second video is proof that he's all fully recovered now are kidding themselves. This looks like an engineered stunt to create the impression that he's fully recovered now, which is highly unlikely. Until we see Jamie Foxx walk and talk and use both arms and hands, anyone declaring his stroke to be a "conspiracy theory" is only engaging in fantasy thinking. We pray for his recovery, and we pray that the truth prevails.