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TruNews is the news network that is reporting the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The OFFICIAL TruNews Brighteon.Social Account.
TruNews is the news network that is reporting the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
WW3: China Threatens to Nuke Japan Over Taiwan
Vaccine Inventor Worries About Assassination as COVID Cops Go Door-to-Door
#TruNews #mRNA #DrRobertMalone #COVIDcops #DoorToDoorGestapo #mRNA #DrRobertMalone
Oh NO NO: Santa Klaus Prepares Cyber Pandemic Lockdown for Christmas
#TruNews #CyberPolygon #SantaKlaus #KlausSchwab #CyberPandemic #Lockdown #christmas
JAB CROW LAWS: Unvaccinated Face Segregation and Persecution By Triage Tyrants
#TruNews #JabCrow #JabCrowLaws #Unvaccinated #TriageTyrants #Segregation #CCPvirus #Coronavirus #covid
"This product is for research use - Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine suitability for other applications."
Yes, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine does contain SM-102. And yes, the vaccine is safe.
SM-102 is a lipid molecule. (A lipid molecule is a molecule that does not dissolve in water.) The molecule helps form the lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna vaccine. (A lipid nanoparticle is an extremely small amount of matter that doesn’t dissolve in water.)
JUST IN - Biden calls on US Congress to help end 'epidemic of gun violence' amid San Jose shooting
Their newest PR push....
“This is because the first dose of the vaccine only provides protection at the earliest two to three weeks after the injection.”
On the surface, this bill sounds good BUT it empowers the AG to shut down websites, social media, or other media false for publishing misleading information relating to the characteristics, authenticity, effectiveness, or availability of personal protective equipment.
The Trumpcine - 'one of the greatest miracles of the ages'
What about the deaths and the division that has been caused as the result of the vaccine?
This new interest in Wuhan has been directly spurred by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s grilling of America’s COVID czar Dr. Anthony Fauci. In an exchange on Capitol Hill, Fauci admitted publicly for the time his role in funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan PLA lab.
In a new interview, the failed presidential candidate, code-named “evergreen” by the Secret Service, begged followers of the QAnon movement to stop sharing persistent rumors that she is a ‘psychotic, child torturing, baby-eating, demon-worshipping pedophile.
China backstabs Chancellor Fauci: Global Times chief slams ‘Godfather of COVID’ as among U.S. elite they see as festering war.
More at
Hillary Clinton responds to rampant rumors in a new interview ‘Debunking Borat.' Hillary says these rumors are hurtful to her family and painfully false.
WATCH: The Premier of Manitoba mocks God and adds an 11th commandment - 'Obey the public health orders.'
An 18 yr old develops myocarditis after receiving the 2nd vaccine shot. He'll now be on heart meds for a few months.
The CDC is investigating a possible 'rare' side effect.