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Messianic , Fiercely ProLife
, Patriot
Love God, Protect Children and Defend Country!!
Messianic , Fiercely ProLife
, Patriot
Love God, Protect Children and Defend Country!!
@DestinyKorchiReally liked this post!
@DestinyKorc Spot On Destiny!
Spent the whole day with my Mama yesterday I did not have time to post and that is a-okay! I hope all the good mothers out there had a very happy Mother’s Day!!
My prayers were also for all the mommas who have lost their child, and for those who have lost their mother. I have been praying for your heart and that God’s Comfort be with each of you especially.
@DestinyKorchi I love your heart & the ability in which you see others.
This was a blessing to watch, beautiful I encourage everyone to see this
#storm #praisegodinthestorm #praiseyouinthestorm #trust #trustgod #godiswithyou #faith
@DestinyKorchi YES. Nothing like His Shalom.
שבת שלום!
Shabbat Shalom!
#shabbatshalom #sabbath #gutshabbos #shabbat #shabbos #shalom #joy #peace #blessings #brachot
He has not done away with Himself.
#torah #law #thelawofgod #lawofgod #thewaythetruththelife #thewaythetruthandthelife #bible #scripture #scriptures #tanach #tanakh #messiah #mashiach #moshiach
Abide in God’s Presence, His Word is the Door to Him.
“Yahushua said unto him ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” - John 14:6
It’s time for reading. It’s time to dwell in Him. It’s time to Abide.
#abide #abideingod #godsword #dwell #dwellingodspresence #readtheword #theword #thescriptures #scripture #bible #tanakh #tanach #torah #thewaythetruththelife #study
שבת שלום לכולם!!
Shabbat Shalom L’kulam!!
#shabbat #shabbatshalom #gutshabbos #shabbos #sabbath #sabbathjoy #sabbathpeace #שבת #שבתשלום
Beautiful, especially the photo in the frame!
#plants #flowers #plantsmakepeoplehappy #flowers #beautiful #aesthetic
This home plant decor is goals!!
#householdplants #houseplants #plantdecor #plantdecoration #plantdecorations #housedecor #housedecorations #decor #elegantdecor
E.X.A.C.T.L.Y. !!! “...For look, the reign of Elohim is in your midst!” - Yahushua in Luke 17:21!
#heaven #heavenonearth #thekingdomofgodiswithinyou #thekingdomofgod #bible #tanach #tanakh #torah #scripture #scriptures
Wow! This is beautiful!
#garden #birdbath #plants #birdfountain #artistic #aesthetic #beauty #beautifuldecor #gardendecor
I just saw this Please be safe!
#sexualassault #sexualharassment #harassment #rapeawareness #besafe #womenandchildren #womenandchildrenabuse
Peaceful, restful, joyful Sabbath! Shabbat Shalom!!
#ShabbatShalomFamily !!!
That’s right! May we all remember this and keep walking in God! Happy Preparation Day! It’s almost Shabbos!!
#happypreparationday #happyprepday #happyprepping #shabbos #shabbat #sabbath #fridaynight #faith #prayer #love #god #dailyreminders #smile #godiswithus #shabbatshalom #peacefulsabbath #happysabbath