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Minnesota. Conservative. Empath. God is Most High. Burning passion for TRUTH & JUSTICE. Mom to 2 older girls
Minnesota. Conservative. Empath. God is Most High. Burning passion for TRUTH & JUSTICE. Mom to 2 older girls
@DiamondTNT @DenytheMark2020 & Breb Sheisty @pooh crazy are great follows & Ghengis Khan (?) Spelling may be wrong on that one
@DiamondTNT There is much proof re Flynn. Even his connection to trafficking via Evergreen container. Subtle facts on so many events & things that were not suppose to be spotted, but where. But too hard to explain in writing. The puzzle on Flynn is complete for me. Mike Gill the 20 yr whistleblower was one who 1st opened my eyes. Are you aware of the most TABOO place on the face of the earth. The root of the modern industrial worlds corruption for eons is in Racine, WI. But the ancient MoundBuilders knew of its spiritual significance back when. Anyway, anyone who tried to expose it are dead, like GWebb partner Jenny Moore. Its coming out on X lil bit. Flynn played dumb #WTHisRacine If your on X @DenytheMark2020 has been on it for 8 yrs. It brings alot together
@DiamondTNT Beware of Paytriots. Flynn & Roger Sone are traitors. Been digging w other people on X. Flynn is gonna run on the RFK ticket, using his BM that he never gave to Trump. I've pieced together a lot. Flynn was also court marshaled by Russell Jay Gould who called him the biggest traitor. He helped orch Jan 6th w Ivan Raiklin & Stone w Madam Kristin Davis. Flynns been BM Trump for a long time. There is much much more. He worked for Bush, Obama & Trump & best psyopped & intel agent ever. He wrote a book 5GW almost bragging. Flynn is buying up MAGA crowd bigly but he is FAKE Trump. Trump is walking a fine line , he knows Flynn has support & all "the bodies" evidence. He has a company Digital soldiers and pays like many the Trump podcasters , social media influencers. Ann Vandersteel is on his leash.
I no longer trust Alex Jones. Mossad shill and is aligned w Flynn Intel Network. Flynn & Jones & Stone worked w the Feds on Jan6. Flynn is bad bad news, has his own agenda, paid digital soldiers and don't be surprised if he leverages his way in on RFK Jr ticket. Too much to get into the evidence.Jones is Team Flynn. Flynn never gave Trump the bodies buried evidence or Pandora papers. Its his leverage. But whistleblower Mike Gill has it. Hoping @HealthRanger is blind to it since he supports Jones
can anyone reach @HealthRanger EXPLOSIVE. Urgent. Can you interview & unpack it for #truth. Mike Gill is trying on X but hitting walls. #PandoraPapers Background by @PeteSantilli vid this a.m
@Thumper20 Hi, how are you? Will try to watch your vid later today. Nice to hear from you!
RE-post: I will contine to repost this 10,000 + cause it needs to be heard & understood !
Why Protests don't work. The Good Patriot.
Truth bombs by Last Refuge on Twitter. Must read thread

“(1) Before you celebrate this action by VISA. Stop for a moment and think about what lies at the end of this road.”
Twitter@IronWolf i absolutely agree with the guest! Zelensky is a puppet and hurting people. If Soros, Clinton & all the WEF elites are rooting for Zelenskyy well I may be rooting for the other bad guy - he I think is against the NWO.
Here is a short and concise diatribe from a Ukrainian that is sick and tired of the US NATO driven bullshit!
People need to listen and learn!

“🚨If Biden, NATO, the EU, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Word Econ Forum & the multinational corps in the Public/Private partnership, succeed in the fight against Vladimir Putin - you're…
Here is a short and concise diatribe from a Ukrainian that is sick and tired of the US NATO driven bullshit!
People need to listen and learn!
SOTU speech right now is more a campaign speech about what he will do. Is it not suppose to be about what he has done the past year! BS rhetoric and lies. Can't watch anymore!
Take time to read this, beyond the propaganda from inside source in Romania. We should all hope Putin takes the east and a resolution is reached or Davos WEF suceeds in their agenda by dissolving Russia
@Lms Email to me from OgySeeker. He is in Romania & knows what goes on. Like we thought. Putin was played by inside russian forces but please read on. Propaganda is all lies. Thoughts...
@Lms He has been around a long time, I read his free articles over the last yr and he has been right most of the time. I find him to be a realist with a sound mind. My gut believes him.
@ls1020 don't think Putin cares about his own personal wealth right now. He is more concerned about power and his sphere of influence over certain provinces in ukraine. He is not even looking to overtake ukraine entirely. This western media Zelenskyy and cancel culture of Russia well this is provoking a real war. Putin will only take so much. He is not a WEF puppet imo
Is Putin losing? We better hope not. Here is why, by Martin Armstrong
· Absolutely! I am no Ukraine expert ., but the fact that every single monster who spent years trying to destroy the United States is now cheering the Ukrainian government should make a lot more people stop and ask questions.
By the way, remember Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the traitor who was used to frame Trump and set him up for a second impeachment? Did you know he was born Александр Семёнович Виндман in Kyiv, capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic?

Novanglus 🌲 on Gab: 'See, this is the thing. I'm quite ready to admit that I know next to nothing about the intricacies of the Ukraine situation. (Unlike a million online "experts" who seem to know everything…
gab.comWise words from strategist Greg Marrianno. Seems the Fed is buying up all the debt keeping the markets inflated to keep debt crisis system going. This could go on years. Its actually possible to be in an economic freefall yet have the market just go higher & higher.