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To seek the truth is what I do.
Perhaps I can find some from you.
To seek the truth is what I do.
Perhaps I can find some from you.
My internet, slow and acting oddly today ..... anyone else?
what do you say.
here and on gab too, it is hard to get thru.
Tried several locations on my vpn ... and got the same problems again.
And in fact worse they do be, sometimes I was blocked completely.
Is the internet under attack? or is it just me? .... perhaps a problem with my ISP ?
What is this I see, brighteon, haning up on me?
I hope with brighteon it is all ok, or at least they are not under attack any way.
Then again it could be, with me they are angry.
but this went in an odd way, so if I am being kicked good bye to you all I say
Wilson Phillips still sounds good to me,
I guess I like the female harmony.
even though old it may be.
With social media the same is true,
the same topic, a different view.
Yet in the end, after it all works out,
I see the blend.
Be careful when you answer me, I have negative followers and following I see.
Some sort of shorthand this does be.
Some how, some reason this site has marked me.
I tell the truth, those in power like it not, .. at least for now, that is my thought.
Just a warning to all of you. .. go to my homepage and view it too.
Tiger nuts and golden pee, have never been heard about before by me.
Sounds like some gay mans fantasy.
Fake it may well be, but it follows bible prophecy.
EVERYTHING .. all of it is part of a plan,
a battle of heaven, just being witnessed by man.
they claimed it was in pasteurized milk too !
beyond crazy, in my view.
for pasteurizing as we know does be, to kill all the bacteria that we cant see.
and much weaker does a virus be. .... even if they exist, and I find that unlikely.
most jews (most others too) follow their religion they do not do.
even christians are in the same spot, many sin, quite a lot.
This allows evil to come in, and the blame game to begin.
we blame each other for what they do, and we ourselves are blinded too.
If evil keeps us fighting constantly, then more evil can come to be.
Thus to blame the jews ... or any group continually, we are the evil that we claim the other to be.
I wonder if vaxxed the attacker did be?
I wonder if they are testing the technology?
I wonder the same when they tell you, a new disease exists
that makes you see demon faces, on some ppl you view?
It would make sense to test for actions or emotions too.
When praying for unbelievers, it seems to me, very careful you must be.
For those in a different god, believe as they do, are told in their book they must kill us too.
Mercy is a weakness in their view, thus we must be careful too.
Oh such arrogance in them I see, thus I know guided by evil, they do be.
Yet for such I pray God show great mercy.
could you use a dozen less adjectives at the same time?
The more words you spew, the more we can tell it is not true
not because of the words you say, but just because of the way.
Something similar I also do, by writing rhymes to you.
But it is not the same you see, for I am willing to listen honestly.
ok, I am back now again, ... but here is the thing
every time I get here today the phone does ring.
So distracted I forgot what I was going to say.
So I will just wish all of you a good end to your day.
@FiddlefartN Wow, how old are you?
one of a few things that I do not share. I figure why? should anyone care?
If more info is given about me, it will just make crazy, those I make angry.
I still work, ... will I ever retire? likely not. I will die at my job is my thought.
always use a vpn, ... I will give you that, all the rest sound like crap.
It looks like a cash drawer to me, remember in the temple the money changers did be.
It would be useless as a display, and for pre measured goods, you could not get them out without disturbing the other spots in some way.
because the spots are all the same, I think used for coinage, but a cash drawer, just the same.
I have acquired a tarp shed frame.
Can I build a green house with the same?
Did this anyone do?
How about some tips from you?
Leave the ends open or not?
Special plastic costs a lot.
To tie it down I do know,
I got it because a big wind did blow.
why do you think armed are we ... stand and fight, or die free.
the same as the revolution did be
right now what is wondered by me, ... will they send an EMP .... and blame Russia, most likely.
I also want to know how to shield my solar panels and inverter too.
Much to big to put into a drum, If I covered with screening, would protection be done?
ok .... maybe this is what I could not see before .... Islam in action, again once more.
They plan this to be what America is in for.
And to them it must be, if with them, you disagree.
the reason branding ranchers do, is to prove they are owned by you.