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Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Hurricane Milton is now reported as having SUSTAINED winds of 180 MPH. A modern-built home, even built to FEMA standards, can only withstand about 140-150 MPH winds before the roof is lifted off the structure and the entire thing collapses. Do the math. This storm is going to obliterate many structures, including homes, commercial buildings, schools and more. The damage is shaping up to be catastrophic, with a long aftermath period where there's no electricity, no passable roads, no cell towers, no water supply, no bandwidth (except for Starlink), etc. What will work? Solar chargers, sat phones and sat bandwidth. Gravity water filters. Storable food. Hand wagons. I pray that everybody in the impacted area is ready. This is going to look like a bomb exploded over Tampa if it's a direct hit, and insurers are going to flee the state en masse when it's all over. Many properties in Florida will be uninsurable after this.
If weather modification is just a conspiracy theory, then why does the NOAA have an entire page dedicated to the 9 methods of weather modification (including lasers and ionization) that require mandatory REPORTING with the government (using Form 17-4)? This NOAA page also lists over 1,000 weather modification experiments that have been filed with the government.
NOAA Library: Weather and Climate Collections: Weather Modification Project Reports
library.noaa.govI have a very bad feeling about what's coming. The weather weapons engineers are going to try to make Tampa look like Gaza. Or Hiroshima. God help all those in the path of deliberate destruction.
Same source who told me earlier today that there's virtually NO FUEL along the I-75 evacuation corridor heading North out of Tampa now says we're headed for MILES OF STALLED VEHICLES that will simply run out of gas, and many thousands of motorists will be stranded on the interstate. I've been trying to get intel on the fuel situation, and so far I've been told that once Gov. DeSantis declared the emergency, fuel resources get re-prioritized to law enforcement and first responders, with less fuel available to civilians. Not sure where replacement fuel is going to come from, but many of those who did not bring extra fuel are going to run out. I-75 is going to become a parking lot along vast stretches. And lemme guess... FEMA will announce "tough luck," right?
STORM ALERT: Hurricane Milton is now being reported by NOAA as 180 mph winds, with gusts over 200 mph. And it's headed for a direct impact on Tampa with a storm surge up to 18' of water, up to 1 mile inland, varying by geography. This is looking absolutely catastrophic, and it is NOT normal weather. This is being fed huge amounts of energy, causing rapid acceleration of storm size and wind velocity. Category 5 already. We are already talking to contacts about post-storm food rescue operations, as we have many more pallets of our organic "Ranger Buckets" storable food staged at our warehouse in Texas (, ready to roll. Texas will answer the call to help Floridians! Everybody in Florida get fully prepared. This is going to be a BIG one. All hands on deck!
Some of our Ranger Buckets (storable organic survival food) going out on a ground distribution run in North Carolina, with some water, juice and other goods for families (donated by other parties). More roads opening up means more ground loads are possible. Others are still only reachable by helicopter. I don't know who this man is, but God bless him! Many volunteers on the ground helping those in need. Thank you all for your support! More photos and videos on the way. We are reaching people in need! Churches are getting it done: is our church website. Join email list there to be alerted to related news.
MILTON'S MASSACRE: This photo shows estimated wind speeds and rainfall Wed. evening. Milton is reportedly going to make landfall as a category 5 hurricane, looking here like a DIRECT HIT on Tampa, with a storm surge of up to 18' of water, plus all the rainfall on top of that. This storm came out of nowhere and has clearly been amped up with a tremendous energy input, and it's going to devastate central Florida and the Orlando area as well. Evacuations are struggling with limited fuel, and water supplies are wiped out across retail shelves. I'm interviewing Dane Wigington tomorrow for a weather weapons update. EVACUATE ASAP and bring your "go bags" with all your gear - comms, food, water filters, emergency medicine, personal protection, etc.
EMERGENCY SUPPLIES UPDATE: Our food donation fundraiser now exceeds $300,000 and we will report final numbers within 24 hours. Our first truck load of 10 pallets arrived in NC yesterday at a small regional airport (a staging area) and is already being widely distributed by helicopter. We were told to HOLD subsequent shipments while the staging area there is reconfiguring for GROUND deliveries, as helicopter delivery burns tons of fuel and more roads are opening up to allow vehicles. We have at least another 20 pallets (probably more) of our organic survival food staged in Texas, ready to ship out, awaiting coordination. We're also watching the Florida situation and we are ready and willing to dispatch food aid to Florida as needed for the coming hurricane, as soon as we can coordinate with a staging team on the ground. We are also happy to dispatch to TN but don't currently have a contact there for a staging area, if you know of one that's safe from FEMA interdiction, please reach me through private channels. Donations are thanks to your support at and our non-profit church at - thank you for your support as we reach Americans in need!
ALERT - Hearing from a reliable source that Florida residents on the Gulf Coast who are evacuating to the North on I-75 are finding NO FUEL. Nearly all gas stations wiped out. Vehicles will soon be stalled on the interstate, blocking evacuations. Already bumper-to-bumper traffic heading North. All this, while the storm is strangely intensifying beyond any normal weather patterns. This is shaping up to be catastrophic. If you are evacuating by vehicle, you may want to bring extra fuel with you in a safe manner.
Mike Adams interviews Dennis Kucinich on PEACE and prosperity for America - hugely important congressional seat in Ohio
- Health freedom, fluoride, alternative medicine, war vs. peace and much more
Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 7, 2024 – Hurricanes, domestic terrorism, Israel, Iran and escalation to NUCLEAR WAR
- The Israel-Iran conflict is about to go nuclear
- Did Iran just test a nuclear warhead?
- Hurricane Milton bearing down on Florida - weather weaponization
- Update on food aid to Florida in aftermath of Hurricane Helene
- Oct 7th as possible day of domestic terrorism
- Interview with Dennis Kucinich, running for U.S. House seat in Ohio
- Preparing for social and economic collapse
- Powerful Bible sermon on using the time we have remaining
Reminding everyone today that GOD IS WITH US. Despite the insanity, the culture wars, weather weapons, mass bombings, war and suffering, God has not abandoned us. NOW is the time to reach out to God and the teachings of Christ as we join together to DEFEAT EVIL.
New article: Western North Carolina has world’s richest lithium, purest quartz deposits: Is Hurricane Helene a land grab by DOD to steal these valuable resources?

Conspiracy theories are circulating the web about what really happened with Hurricane Helene and how it is allowing the federal government to seize valuable land underneath which are large deposits of…
www.naturalnews.comNEW INTERVIEW - Pastor Steve Cioccolanti joins Mike Adams in studio for urgent PROPHECY update - God's wrath being unleashed?
JUST IN! On-the-ground report from North Carolina helicopter hub by Steve Slepcevic from Strategic Response Partners
- Recon operations, supplies update, medical teams update, helicopter drops
FOOD RELIEF UPDATE: Our first load of ten pallets of Ranger Buckets and Mega Buckets has arrived at a regional airport in North Carolina! The pallets are on the ground and in the hands of local logistics people there. A second load is being initiated tomorrow and is heading to a different destination where there's an urgent request for 12,000 lbs. of emergency food, there's a whole sector of people still stranded there who have no access, no food, no water, no roads, no power, etc. Thank you all for your support. These donations are funded by your purchases at and through our new church at
Some fun facts about rescue / relief efforts in North Carolina and surrounding areas. Up front, I am deeply appreciative and honored about all the amazing efforts by all those who are pitching in to help. We the People are proving that we are more effective than FEMA. Fun facts:
- Our buy one / gift one program has generated MORE food aid for the affected areas than the entire company of (and we have more loads heading out next week), since Amazon has apparently donated nothing. Walmart stepped up. Where is Amazon?
- I'm pretty sure we are the only organization providing organic food for those in need. Everything else I've seen is conventional, non-organic. (Not that people are picky right now, but at least we get 'em the cleanest food possible!)
- This event proves that churches and good people make big government obsolete. FEMA has been a disaster itself. Your tax dollars went to fund migrant camps, not to help save Americans in need. It's time to defund and disband every federal agency. They are worthless.
- The American people are good people at heart, and this natural response during times of need shows the resilience of the American spirit. Makes me proud to be an American and a Texan! Thank you for all your support as we work together to help those in need!
Holy cow! The people of (A)_________ are being denied food aid by (B) _________!
The thing is, there are multiple answers, and most people don't want to talk about any of them.
A=North Carolina, B=FEMA
A=Gaza, B=Israel
A=Homeless vets, B=Local governments
A=People of Earth, B=Climate cultists pushing for the end of farming / ranching
You get the idea. There's a lot of evil at work across our world right now. Call it out whenever you can.