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Gardener and artist, former Massage Therapist dreaming of working with people again; fan of Biochar and Permaculture. Nature in all of its awesome Wonder.
Gardener and artist, former Massage Therapist dreaming of working with people again; fan of Biochar and Permaculture. Nature in all of its awesome Wonder.
They just don't when to quit trying to stir the pot & get some kind of war started, the bigger the better. He's such a liar too. He was in on the planning of US attacking the Nordstream pipelines, revealed recently by Seymour Hersch...They didn't want Germany to get "cold feet" and back out of supporting the farce over there, now Germany is freezing & paying 3-4 times for US LNG that the gas that had been coming through the pipelines.
Wow, the shit's moving, just like articles & podcasts have said. Let's see... I've seen Kentucky, NY, & parts of OH mentioned now.
I wonder if she knows about the train derailment & has connected that to what she's going through... The big toxic cloud doesn't just stay in one place, it moves along with the winds, jetstream, etc.
Line Stretches Half a Mile as Revival is on Display at Asbury: 'Very Healing Experience'
WILMORE, Kentucky – The revival at Asbury University is now in its 10th day as thousands of people continue to make the spiritual pilgrimage to this town in hopes of encountering more of God.
What???!!! No frickin' way he could have gotten a clean bill of health!!
Well... just makes us trust the 'medical system' and 'doctors' even less.
Wow, I dropped my jaw reading this article on the OH derailment.
It includes an Image of a Laura Loomer tweet re: a derailment in Michigan & she commented an observation they've been in key battleground states too.
Also included is the image of a tweet with the comment "The account that tweeted the following has already been suspended".

At this stage in the globalist sabotage game there really are no coincidences. The account that tweeted the following has already been suspended: Large swaths of productive farmland may have been poisoned…
www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.comI found some more articles about the "crazy ICD-10" codes too. Mike Adams had posted a couple of articles a week or so ago on this topic.
Ones I found today:
From the first link below:
"...Vaccination status is not a disease or an injury state, yet CDC has rationalized creating ICD codes for it. The coding is set to become effective on April 1..."
"...There is no reason to believe that the government will not release the status information to insurance companies or other companies doing large business with the American public.
Further, there is no recourse should the government actually release such confidential data..."
Sounds like all the more reason to not go to a doctor!!!

Been spending some time today trying to catch up on articles from various writers I like. I have heard of Event 201 & other 'games' these evil nitwits like to do. This particular "game" was a new one for me. This particular author has 2 sites but usually posts on his substack nowadays & has written a lot on 'covid' (enterprise fraud), FTX & SBF, nitwit Biden, Ukraine, food crisis, & more.
(& I like & )

Sourced Analysis & Opinion on the Geopolitical Landscape Special thanks to Red Voice Media & The Vigilant Fox. Click to read Political Moonshine's Newsletter, a Substack publication with thousands of…
It is child abuse, and evil, satanic, and demonic.
I'm sure glad I'm not in junior or high school right now, nor have any kids or grandchildren in grades 5-12 in Connecticut. This makes me sick...
"...Starting next July, Connecticut will become one of the first states in America to mandate climate change studies across its public schools as part of its science curriculum...."
What crap, "science", nope, it's a scam, a hoax, lies, lies...

Connecticut lawmakers will force climate change curriculum into public schools in the state starting in July. The new law was passed because liberal lawmakers are worried that conservatives may push an…
The Gateway Pundit@DiamondTNT @HealthRanger @incontrl
I have watched a few videos about this exciting development, I noticed one of them had in the notes this link a few days ago, & it shows each of the brothers' cases history side by side. I've been checking it since then...
Supreme Court Lawsuit Docket #22-380 Brunson fires Biden, Harris, and Members of Congress
Flaming hypocrits, their carbon footprints are unbelievably sky high...
I got wind of this a couple of days ago, still trying to wrap my head around it, especially after listening to an audio & watching a video...
Mike talked about this a couple of months ago in a Situation Update but it was only in reference to the Fruit of the Loom logo from years ago, & a couple of other examples which I don't remember right now...
"Mandela Effect | Heartbroken PASTOR TELLS congregation BIBLE has CHANGED! | #MandelaEffect"
"Mandela Effect Bible Changes With Carol Grams Gold"
(Note: her website mentioned in the description was taken down by the DS.)
I normally download the MP3's to a USB, but starting on Sept 1 through today I get the message: "Looking for Something? The page you are looking for cannot be found or is no longer available." I've been hoping you would have been alerted to this so it could be addressed. Could you please look into this for us?? Thank you so very much if you or someone could, appreciate it!
EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing #clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots

We are now releasing ICP-MS lab test results that compare the elemental composition of human blood to the elemental composition of a clot sample taken from the body of a person who received a covid vaccination…
www.naturalnews.comRegarding China possibly coming to invade us, maybe this is why:
"...Trump, Xi, & Putin, are all supporting each other, & opposing the “Liberal Globalist” parties in the CCP & DNC..."
"...They want the People to know that the actions of the CCP do not represent China as a whole, just as the actions of the DNC do not represent the US as a whole.
"...Folks, you are witnessing the coalition of the three world superpowers standing up to the Globalist Deep State… its no longer a theory. They are showing us in real time.
And in order to clean up something of this magnitude, it would take an alliance between the most powerful militaries in the world. That’s what you’re witnessing. “Military is the only way” wasn’t referring to just one military, it was referring to the militaries of China, Russia, & the US.
This is a joint operation to rid the world of evil."

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases statement pertaining to Nancy Pelosi’s arrival in Taiwan. Russia supports China in declaring Pelosi’s visit a “aggressive” and a clear “provocation”, and supports… According to current USDA standards, you can feed cattle newspapers with ink and that qualifies as "organic". So, they already allow cows to eat what most people consider trash and label as wholesome organic meat.
People should only eat grass-fed beef as cows are ruminants and grass and/or silage is their natural diet. Not grains, not newspaper, not trash etc.
and probably their frickin' planes too!