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Perhaps there is more sense in our nonsense and more nonsense in our 'senses than we would care to believe
Perhaps there is more sense in our nonsense and more nonsense in our 'senses than we would care to believe
Have a great day
«To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.» (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Passe une excellente journée
«Être soi-même dans un monde qui essaie constamment de faire de vous quelque chose d'autre est le plus grand accomplissement.» (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
My husband and I have been roaming the "backwoods" all over our state. Statistics show it is almost 60% forrest/ 40% mountains/ rivers-lakes-springs in every direction. We go on excursions of 6 to 10 hour round trips. Deep into WMAs where the roads are ONE lane and somewhat scary (to me). NEW CELL TOWERS are EVERYWHERE!. We found deep into those backwoods CONSTRUCTION of Homes & Roads. ODD that trees touch both side of our truck for 10 miles INTO this area? We being replaced?
@Stilladreamer52 Would explain the trillion dollar hedge funds and billionaires buying up all the land and houses.
@Reydeicuori not sure...
BUSTED: Staff and Security Swoop In As AOC Flees When Questioned by Project Veritas Journalist
@dreamscape nicely done... I felt like the balding bodyguard was biting his tongue cause he felt the guy was right
In the Situation Update today, Mike said that this PhD, medical student took the #covid shot in order to get into the uni and he knows what to take on supps to counteract it. Well, he gets the shot in order to study pharma lead medicine with lab tests were the results are generated by a computer and every lab has their own blood test ranges. Just think about this. I'm a Functional Diagnostic Practitioner, can run labs and no pharma industry tells me what to do, no insurance company either.
@WST yeah buddy
@Reydeicuori and that's why I did a home birth. I was terrified of the hospital, especially after a nurse told me ice chips were a privilege
@arjayem @tecnature super . I work with deceased peoples property, I see a ton of Covid cards within that time frame.
@Reydeicuori probably was the Ron Jeremy,
I think we should cover our faces...hear me out. I propose a multi layered burka or nicab. Make it super patriotic and colorful, but it will protect us from the dread cloud of covid..and if you live where it is 100° stupid you can just wear minimal underneath .
Make your #clothes last longer by #mending rips and tears and doing the #laundry properly #homesteading

Being a responsible homesteader means taking care of your belongings, even your clothing. Doing this ensures that your clothes last longer so you save money instead of having to replace shirts or pants… I heard that rant yesterday on the way to PT. I was immediately struck with the thought of how many people would mobilize to treat me if I contracted the dred covid...but who would be there if I had an adverse reaction to the vaxx
@PattersonGlenFarm I read a headline where they believe it can be spread when someone passes gas. So what's next corks???? Lunatics
@PattersonGlenFarm you know the thing...I learned a lot about roaches.
France passes controversial vaccine passport law
"French legislators ignored widespread protests and passed a law requiring all residents over the age of 12 to produce COVID-19 vaccine passports to travel, visit a restaurant, and other normal life activities. Opponents to the law have said they will continue protesting.
The controversial law was passed on Monday, following an all-night session involving both houses of the French legislature. From August, all adults...

An afront to civil liberties.
Reclaim The Net@diamondisc
Time to physically vote them out on the street
5 Solar-powered items preppers should have #prepping #solargadgets

Solar power is cheap, renewable and abundant, making it a valuable resource when SHTF. Not having to depend on the power grid is a good start for being prepared for various emergencies. But solar panels… @Reydeicuori but unvaxxed may also suffer fertility issues caused by the vaxxed