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New podcast: Your electric car will be a USELESS PAPER WEIGHT once global commodity supply chains collapse
Anyone with info on Remdesivir? This man is trying to save his wife. Respond to him on Twitter or to me here and I’ll pass it along. Better alternatives needed! @HealthRanger
“Need some opinions. Anyone had a remdesivir infusion for covid? Pros? Cons?”
twitter.comI know it’s a long shot but I’m trying to help a guy find his Twitter buddy who got purged from Twitter the same time he was in the path of Ian. If anyone happens to know who this guy is, his friend is very worried about him.
The medical professionals don’t speak of it but those in the after death trades are.
People are dropping dead from blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and multiple organ failures. Now, young children and babies are counted among them in...
America Out LoudRight out of George Orwell’s own lips. Can’t believe I’ve never seen this before.
“OMG how have I never seen this before?!!!”
twitter.comFollow this guy if you’re on Twitter. He’s a warrior against child sex trafficking.

“Be Saints save the children”
twitter.comGot ESG? Got NGD? Got UN Overlords? ----> Sure you Do
You just don't know it.
I've been hopping mad about this for nearly a year now. ESG policies
being printed & proclaimed out of nowhere & few folks even recognize
the topic.
Alaska prepper does what everyone should do when they get a warning -
initial research for themselves. He misses a bit on what he takes away
from what he finds - but shares a lot of the real threats we are facing.
Have you heard of this?
Important read imo

It is naïve to assume that the lower depths of the Sovietological inferno – that is, of Western ignorance and ineptitude in the study of totalitarianism – are where they have always been politicall…
J.R. Nyquist BlogThis federal agency predicts SKY-HIGH food prices are coming
Newsflash for those that have not been paying attention over the last nearly two years - It is already hitting the fan, it has just been happening insidiously, while the media smiles for the cameras and mimics the White House official narrative by telling their viewers everything is just fine and dandy, and the "Biden economic plan is working!"
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Secure what you need to Survive.
Experts Warning Of economic What gets me is why does it not count in whole number votes. That seems odd unless you wanted to cheat on an election. I always said that there needs to be at least three independent systems counting the votes. When there is an exact match in the three, count it. When even one is off, recount those so they match. Compile all batches and talley the votes by hand. When it is done, verify the number of votes. to what it should be. subtract votes by percentage. It only limits the cheating.

A highly anticipated report issued Friday by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, also known as CISA, is providing official documentation of the […] More What gets me is why does it not count in whole number votes. That seems odd unless you wanted to cheat on an election. I always said that there needs to be at least three independent systems counting the votes. When there is an exact match in the three, count it. When even one is off, recount those so they match. Compile all batches and talley the votes by hand. When it is done, verify the number of votes. to what it should be. subtract votes by percentage. It only limits the cheating.