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If this passes in NY, the reasons to move out of the state keep adding up
NY’s fake ‘Equal Rights Amendment’ would LEGALIZE discrimination

The ERA would embed racial retribution in the form of reverse racism, critical race theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion principles into New York’s state Constitution.
nypost.comPretending the smoke as Rome burns is just Romans enjoying backyard barbeques

Biden strong-armed the ports into a bad deal that in the long run will push up prices — and harm organized labor.
nypost.comFEMA disaster relief, what there is of it, appears to be based on preferred companies and kickbacks. See the post by Ryan:

While there are no doubt many honest, dedicated public servants within FEMA, the systemic corruption is shocking. We need serious reform!
x.comFederal Easy Money Accumulation
@User1984 The first thing Kamaltoe said was that relief money was going to be allocated to minorities first. That statement was immediately removed. Aren’t they lucky that this is a majority white area?
Actually without seeing the details of the RFPs FEMA issued, it's not possible to confirm high prices for preferred companies is due to kickbacks. FEMA may be requiring companies to stockpile various supplies and transport them any where in the country during an emergency. All that involves costs and not under the usual just in time supply model.
Had to wonder finding yet another guess as to who or what the Bible's 666 is. Here's an Arab guess that it is an Arab prince. It is beyond imagining that every generation born since the Romans composed Christianity interprets the writings for their own times. Why would even modern societies that have studied every imaginable subject up one side and down the other be stricken with awe at an ancient mythology and interpret it unique to their time like children playing with shapes from a ColorForms toy? Numerology was en vouge back in the day and used to influence people. 666 was just the representation of the Caesar Nero's name. As the texts predicted Israel was destroyed by the generals Nero sent to put down the Jewish rebellion -- Flavius Vespasian and his son Titus. Vespasian became Caesar after Nero. The Flavians had the Christian texts composed after the fact to match the destruction they caused. Titus convinced the Roman Senate to have his deceased father declared a god so then he was the son of god. The Romans' pagan church worshipping the god Caesars was revamped to be the Catholic christian church and the faith was enforced by the state. Little did the Flavians know their compositions would still be ruling the world and influencing even modern generations millenums after their physical empire crumbled.
Watched a bunch of videos posted by FreePalestineTV on Rumble. Videos list is easily scrolled to it's first one about a year ago. Noticed the term al aqsa flood repeatedly so searched for videos with that term. It seems to be the Hamas name for the open warfare with Israel begun 10/07/23. It's largely a video recorded war. The list of videos is so long I gave up trying to scroll to the first one. Watched enough of them to conclude Hamas has run/is running so many small attacks continuously across the whole area that Israel is suffering an endless attack of 1000 cuts. Can't help but wonder if both sides are killing or injuring almost equal numbers of victims and Israel just absolutely refuses to let it be known.
Wonder if the Dems got a stage mock up of AF1 like they do the oval office. Love the photo op use of the latest Apple tech that wired headsets no longer need to be plugged in.

Omg her headphones aren’t even plugged in She’s pretending to take disaster relief calls for a photo op Such a fraud
x.comSo much for putting my phone in a Faraday bag in my car. Car still detects the phone via Bluetooth. If I turn Bluetooth off, phone turns it back on after a while. So far car cannot detect phone if it is powered off but who knows. That could just be for calls & texts. Phone even off but with the battery still in it could have one or more chips reporting various sensor or location data to the car not for my use but for human herd tracking purposes. Moo on queue!
@User1984 Maybe something I will check into one day but I have my doubts they work completely. I had read that aluminum foil would work the same as a Faraday bag so I wrapped my phone in the foil, dialed the number from another phone, and it rang. However, I suspect that the signal was likely a lot less in strength but I couldn't confirm that. I didn't test gps or bluetooth, just a simple phone call.
Forgot to mention the Faraday bag did work in the house. Spectrum wired phone call to the cell phone did not ring -- went to voicemail. Also car fobs in Faraday bag works -- cannot unlock car till I take one fob out.
@User1984 Most people don't completely understand the Faraday cage and results of the experiments with them. For example, a car and an airplane act as a Faraday cage and can safely divert lightning around the craft but you can still get cell phone reception inside of a car. Depending on what you are trying to block makes a huge difference. Also, the signal strength of what you are trying to block makes a difference as well which is why thick metal sheets such as lead plates (very dense) can block a lot more than a thin film aluminum bag can. So while a Faraday bag may work in regards to blocking a lot of the signal to and from a cell phone and even enough in a low signal area that it can't connect but if you are close to a cell tower such as most that are located in cities then don't count on the bag to protect your location data as it may or may not do so.
Interesting theory/presentation that it was the Roman empire itself under the 3 Flavian Caesars that created Christianity, the new testament, the Catholic church out of it's existing pagan church that preached that Caesar was god all to control as much as it could of it's population with a stairway to heaven instead of an army.