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old meat bag with buggy wetware
old meat bag with buggy wetware
A new collection from the locked down minds of Sterner Stuff : CryptoFashionista. A cryptocurrency and blockchain themed collection, starting with CryptoCoaster, both sides of the crypto coin.
Another fine WPA poster from the 30's for a Festival of American Dance. Scan from the original was so munged, had to recreate the whole thing from scratch. Pretty close to original, typeface a little bit different, and I took a few liberties.
WPA poster from the 30's. A Vintage Recreation that is still true today.
NSA Seduction #11
gizmos in the jar broadcast the distinctive cheney growl as he called for order. noticed sally ports around the room as i considered striking a blow to the Deep State leadership. discretion is the better part etc. or maybe i was afraid to die w/nothing to show for it.
'As you know, our new friend Senor Art, has been a formidable opponent. Truly, his memes are strong.' flattery from dick cheney? this *was* awful. 'Soon, we hope to have him fight for the winning side, our side !'
Sterner Stuff has a new collection called UneekPatterns. Tiling textile patterns created to grace textiles of every type. Here is the HoneyHex pattern.
Sterner Stuff's Vintage Recreations are based on ad posters of the 1890's to 1930's. Bold, colorful, strong graphics, many by unknown commercial artists. This one, a WPA poster for Zion National Park by C. Don Powell. He did a number of posters for national parks. The scan of this old poster had to be edited for some tearing, creases, blotches, etc. In this case, the text was replaced, as it was too muddy in the original. Typeface is pretty close, the color is not.
Eye on Mt. Zion.
NSA Dumpster Dive
JR: Can't do it.
SA: This is too much to bear, we have to stop it.
JR: Too late, they have everything like they want, no chance for anyone to go against them.
SA: This could be the last opportunity to stop them before they have total control.
JR: Total control? What do you think they have now? None of us is free of their control. What do you expect me to do? Confess they have tapes on me?
SA: You know what, fuck you, John. Nobody put a gun to your head to make you do that crap.
NSA Seduction #10
seemed natural cheney was a head in a jar, but the testicles thing was disconcerting. especially when he would give them a little lick once in a while. turned away to the rest of the suits, recognizing some in spite of their snowdens: brennan's piggy eyes & snout, comey's ferret eyes & oil-slick hair, pelosi's wild, skeletor head & -kind of a surprise- ellen! she asked if i wanted chewing gum or a stray dog. i declined both. she appeared angry, but cheney growled for attention.
NSA Seduction #9
before the conference room, one cubicle strangely named Reality Winner, young lady there was looking plaintive & had handwritten sign said 'Help !'. thought i'd give her a hand, so tossed the NSA goon's to her. not sure she knew what to make of it. hope the help she wanted didn't get intercepted. enter the dark conference room & all but one person was masked up. it was dick cheney. only he was just a head in a jar. well, for some reason, they had put his testicles in there too.
NSA Seduction #8
'snowdens' the suit says they call the masks, worn them since his revelations so there are no witnesses at the scene of the crime. a lot of the teevees have stills or video of my 'misunderstanding' with the 4 NSA goons. i wince, but a number of heads pop up from the cubicles to give me a nod & thumbs up. i guess they weren't very popular among the cubed nerds. we proceed to a conference room where a bunch of other -more expensive- suits were already arrayed around a huge table.
Returning to their dissolute roots, Sterner Stuff presents another in the Super Happy Fun Time Nostalgia series in the RxCannabis Collection of Sterner Stuff on planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy, somewhere in space and time. Ahem.
Little Debbie all growed up to Little Dabbie! She's got Snak Cannabis now!
NSA Seduction #7
main office level like any modern office, cubicle farms in the middle, manager offices around the perimeter, high tech conference rooms, etc. a LOT of teevees w/no sound. weird thing is, everyone masked up, didn't really expect that. suit eyes me noticing & says the masks have nothing to do with virus, been wearing them for years, they're to defeat facial recognition, not a virus. facial recognition? turns out, not cameras, but fellow NSA'ers!
who is watching the watchers indeed
Astonishingly normal recreation of a 20's Art Deco ad poster for Zenith lamps (bulbs) all the way from France! Man as god astride the globe plucking stars from the heavens to illuminate the world. Sumpin metaphory like that.
Peevish Things #8
one day i hope to own a computer.
last one i owned was an Amiga500+. since then, all been owned by bill gates, or adesk, or corel & every random web page i ever visit.
but not MY computer.
stuff i don't want pops up, no matter i take them out of startup or ongoing processes, zombie programs of my computer overlords plaque me. NO programs running, yet over 100 windoze processes going on, half i probably don't use. WHY can't I delete cortana, etc?
i know, for my own good.
The mindless zombies at Sterner Stuff have come out with another design in the Super Happy Fun Time Nostalgia series of the RxCannabis Collection. A takeoff of a 40's Bryl-Creem ad. If it were any more phallic, it would simply be a penis. Blue Dream, A Little Dab'll Do Ya!
Dare to be the coolest kidult on your block!
teevee pilot: Chopped, For Realz
Present your dish, Monica.
I've prepared a truffle-flavored...
I hate truffles!
Well, it isn't a strong truffle fla...
You wimped out on truffles?
But you just said...
What? I don't un...
To be honest, I don't care for them...
Right! Give me your hand.
Your hand, now chop off the 1st joint of the pinkie.
This is Chopped: For Realz, Monica. Look, is that Jesse in a speedo?
recent tweet on the twitter thing:
i like cats
no, really i do
i like cats
say, in a stew
they're not Dogs
now that's just true
furry logs
& indoor poo
Dogs are smart
some cats are too
Dogs have heart
cats, indoor poo
if you're attacked
Dogs help you
the cats react
with indoor poo
yeah, i'm a Dog person, but like all critters.
cat people are just jealous! there are no 'crazy dog people', just happy dog people, when the donuteaters break down your door, they don't shoot your cat, just sayin..