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- AVN Website
This is the new home of the Australian Vaccination-risks Network. Join us for a censorship-free discussion on the risks and ineffectiveness of vaccines.
- AVN Website
This is the new home of the Australian Vaccination-risks Network. Join us for a censorship-free discussion on the risks and ineffectiveness of vaccines.
Thank you to Michael and the team at
for the interview last night. I really enjoyed speaking with you and appreciate your work in giving Australians a voice when the gov't and media are trying to silence us!
To everyone attending one of the many rallies across Australia today (and don't forget that there will be a huge rally at the NSW / QLD border that isn't listed here - near Twin Towns Services Club) - have a wonderful, empowering day of standing up for your rights, for the freedom of all Australians and for our nation as a whole. To the police officers or armed services who will be attending, please remember that history will judge you by your actions today.
Vaxxed Bus Down Under - Cathy's mum died 23 days after receiving AstraZenica
Cathy's mum became paralysed less than 24 hours after receiving her AstraZenica COVID jab and was hospitalised. Her health declined very quickly and 23 days later, she passed away. Her death certifica
rumble.comAre you over the tyranny? Do you think it's time to stand up and make your voice be heard? Do you think it is your right to go across state borders without enforced experimental covid genetic modification devices being injected into your body? If so, this Sunday, August 22nd, go north towards the NSW border / south towards the QLD border and meet in the middle to show that you believe in freedom and your community!
This is so important! Please sign and share as many places as you can:

Sign the petition to end the vaccine apartheid Vaccine Specialist Speaks Out - UK Column News, April 14th, 2021
“If a time ever came when this genocide came to light, and if I ended up on trial testifying against those in positions of power who could have affected the outcomes, I would not hesitate to give evidence. I will also accept my fate should I too be found to have been duplicitous in this horrid act of human annihilation. I do not fear that day Brian, indeed I pray for it to come.”
Australian solicitor, Serene Teffaha of filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of clients who were imprisoned in their buildings in Victoria. Within a matter of hours of this filing, her practicing certificate was cancelled.
This is one of the most important reports on COVID vaccines I've seen yet. And the fact that it is on FOX news and would have been seen by tens of millions of Americans and others around the world (Tucker is the biggest draw card they have) is amazing. Keep it up, Tucker!

Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson says health officials can’t have it both ways — either the vaccines are “highly effective” and the fully vaccinated can stop wearing masks and self-isolating, or the…
Children's Health DefenseIn Melbourne, when the police tried to perform an arbitrary arrest on someone who was attending a peaceful protest, the crowd protected this person and the arrest was stopped.
The AVN has finally hit the big times. Our channel has been taken down by YouTube. We must be doing something right!
90% of the Amish in Pennsylvania are showing as already immune to COVID without deaths or hospitalisations. Instead of saying - great! Maybe we've been worried over nothing, the medical community is concerned about the 10% who have not yet been infected passing the disease on to the 90% who are already immune. SCIENCE!

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90% of them became infected when they reopened churches last year.'s OK. Go ahead and take the shot - the untested, unsafe experimental shot using new technology that has never been proven to be either safe or effective. But if you become one of the tens of thousands who die as a result, don't expect your life insurance company to pay out: because in many cases, they won't.
Why do I always feel like screaming - WAKE UP! Whenever I meet people who are consenting to the COVID non-vaccine, or to scanning in to restaurants and other venues, or agreeing to be tested or to having their temperature checked or to socially distance, wearing a mask or any of the other insanity people have been subject to this last year? THIS is why! We are essentially dead if we don't stop this now.

This is the absolute end of the line for human liberty in the West and if you don’t understand why, ask a techie. Once you agree to this platform any functionality can be loaded into it turning off and…
threader.appUnder the Wire-Special Event: Interview with Israeli Human Rights Lawyer, Tamir Turgal
When it comes to repressive legislation and the removal of basic human rights, Israel seems to be the democracy that has moved the furthest towards fascism - an irony that escapes nobody who is aware of the history of Israel in relation to Nazi Germany.