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IT guy, blogger, Conservative Firing Line, co-author, "Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad"
IT guy, blogger, Conservative Firing Line, co-author, "Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad"
With video. Democrats are determined to destroy America by any means necessary.

The Democrat-ruled Colorado Supreme Court ordered Trump be removed from the state's 2024 ballot.
Conservative Firing LineDemocrats are determined to destroy everything they possibly can to make you suffer. Elections have consequences. This is what you get when you vote for Democrats.

Fascist Democrats have launched a proposal in the state of Washington to put in jail those who use gasoline-powered lawn mowers.
Conservative Firing LineThey are nothing more than terrorists trying to turn America into something that resembles the former Soviet Union. They will ultimately fail. They MUST fail.

The purpose of leftists may seem varied, but in reality it's the same: destroy, disrupt, kill, and control your lives. Failure is inevitable.
Conservative Firing LineThe Biden Regime is working hard to turn America into Nazi Germany.

An FBI whistleblower explained how the politicized and weaponized agency targeted conservatives while ignoring real threats.
Conservative Firing LineWith video. As always Tucker is right. This is what the Democrats and their media accomplices have been pushing for years. We are definitely at a tipping point.

Tucker Carlson warned that violence could break out if liberals succeed in putting Trump in prison before the November election.
Conservative Firing LineNo one likes or trusts the lying demented fraud in the White House.

The latest Harvard Youth poll shows a precipitous drop in interest in voting and trust in Biden among young people leading into the election.
Conservative Firing LineFace it. Biden is out to destroy everything in this country.

The Biden administration is now supporting unilaterally ending patents on medicines (science) by invoking something called “march-in-rights.”
Conservative Firing LineWith video. Nikki Haley is mad with power... This should disqualify her from the White House...

Nikki Haley claimed that posting anonymously on social media is a national security threat, and wants all online users verified by name.
Conservative Firing LineThe lying demented evil corrupt fraud occupying the White House needs to be replaced immediately.

Voters want Joe Biden, the decrepit fraud in the White House, removed, and replaced with Trump.
Conservative Firing LineWith video. Barack Hussein Obama wants us all to think that everyone is complicit in Hamas' murder of women and children.
Uh, no.

Barack Hussein Obama falsely claimed everyone is to blame for Hamas' murder of women, children, and babies in Israel.
Conservative Firing LineJamaal Bowman got a slap on the wrist. But what would've happened if he were a Trump supporter?

Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman got a slap on the wrist for illegally pulling a fire alarm in a House office building. What if he were a Trump supporter?
Conservative Firing LineThe evil Biden Regime now wants to dictate what you're allowed to think in the workplace...

The evil Biden Regime now wants to dictate what you are allowed to say in the workplace.
Conservative Firing LineThe next terror attack in the U.S. will be Biden's fault. Completely.

Corrupt Biden has let thousands of potential terrorists into the country through the open southern border.
Conservative Firing LineAnd the lying demented fraud installed as president is leading the way...

Biden’s administration is fueling a full-bore Marxist revolution that threatens to annihilate America as the greatest nation in history.
Conservative Firing LineOf course. Liberal hatemongers just gotta do what they gotta do, because they just can't help themselves.

Newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is a Christian, pro-Trump, pro-life social conservative, so liberal hatemongers pounced.
Conservative Firing LineGod help us. This is the result of liberal indoctrination centers disguised as schools...

A disturbing poll indicates that a slight majority of young people think Hamas murdering civilians is justified.
Conservative Firing Line