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@adam20228 on twitter A.D.A.M.2022
American Duopoly Abolition Movement
@adam20228 on twitter A.D.A.M.2022
American Duopoly Abolition Movement
Relay-post of Real_RobN
4 clips #2= *****
President Trump, “This was an attempted overthrow of the government and a lot people were in on it. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT. THEY GOT CAUGHT RED-HANDED.”
“We now have black and white evidence.” BEYOND THE SHADOW Of A DOUBT
that the FBI attempted the overthrow of the United States government on
behalf of Hillary Clinton in 2016,
the CIA toppled the United States government on behalf of Joe Biden in 2020,
And now, ARREST THEM ALL AT ONCE. for the crimes of perjury, obstruction of justice, election interference, racketeering, and seditious conspiracy for the overthrow of United States government.

And here is, President Trump, “This was an attempted overthrow of the government and a lot people were in on it. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT. THEY GOT CAUGHT RED-HANDED.” “We now have black and white evidence.”… Who has been targeting our minds to keep us from knowing historical truth??
Exposing the friendly-enemy within.
"Nobody will ask the victor if he told the truth". quoting Adolf Hitler
100 Proofs - That Hitler Was Right - Part 1 of 11
Communism vs Christianity
part 2 - Poisoned Minds
Many details seem to be well sourced and match Dennis Wise's work titled"
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told links to parts 1 - 11
Illegal Haitians are allowed to drive without insurance. They’re killing Americans, without consequence.
NEW: The illegal Haitian who struck and kill-d a 71-year-old Springfield, Ohio resident while she was collecting her garbage cans, WILL NOT FACE CHARGES

NEW: The illegal Haitian who struck and kill-d a 71-year-old Springfield, Ohio resident while she was collecting her garbage cans, WILL NOT FACE CHARGES Kathy Heaton, a 71-year-old resident of Springfield,…
The direction of paths being suggested by some of the speakers at the Cosmic Summit is almost certainly misguided,, if not nefarious in some instances to cause distraction & deception..
On the misguided side, in one area, is Randall Carlson's postulate of ancient plasma technology based on Zeus' Thunderbolt and Trident forms...
Those depictions,, like many forms found carved on rock,, are verified representations of Cosmic Plasma behavior,,, not some indication of ancient technology...
It is a representation of celestial activity observed by Ancient Peoples,, but excluded from the modern lexicon of cryptic ancient clues.
DAVID TALBOTT: Carved on Stone -- New Light on The Electric Universe
Pat Boone - "Where Did America Go?" {Official Lyric Video} Intended to sound like a Bob Dillon classic, this motivational song from Pat Boone calls upon America to return to basics.
Today Pat was interviewed at the end of the Todd Starnes Show, explaining the Spirit Filled direction he took as a Charismatic Christian which brought him through the decades and to this point of calling America to take to you knees & return to Christ.
Crowdstrike Returns and the Collapse Begins
Doug & Mike - the whole story about the global surveillance state.
Aim4truth . org
@HealthRanger @JeffreyPrather
Have you heard of Johanna Budwig,, and the Budwig diet? A neighbor introduced my to the Italian cornmeal dish called Polenta,,, it played a role in raising the family of 17..
That is like feeding nation.
The Cosmic Summit and the hijacking of the Catastrophist narrative.
The capture of minds by the limitation of establishment-approved interpretations..
As establishment s$eince scrambled for decades to recover from the falsification of their foundation, the Uniformity Principle, they've legitimized notions of great catastrophe in a very limited sense, the latest being impact theory..
To control the catastrophist community, controlled_opposition has gathered people into groups who think they are changing the narrative,, but they are just controlling the narrative that has been crumbling for centuries under the weight of old-school catastrophism and its pioneers, which have just recently completely falsified the uniformity principle,, by giving verifiable proof for the cryptic message behind rock art,, as a record of extreme near-earth plasma events that were never imagined by gas-light-era sciences,, despite experiencing the Carrington event.. They suppressed the work of Kristian Birkeland and crippled solar science for almost a century...
By limiting the catastrophist scenario to impact events, the controlled opposition, to establishment science, is captured in the 'consequence' of the historical details,,, never going deeper into the cause of the Ages in Chaos, partly the Velikovsky material, which has been refined to reveal the global story of the 'cause' of great catastrophe: The transformation of our Solar System,, the Order out of Chaos scenario,,
Reject_Plausible_Excusibility for the failures to find & neutralize the gunman who killed Cory Comperator & injured others during the assassination attempt on President DJ Trump...
SpaGuyYouTuber's drone footage advances the visual evidence to prove Malicious Negligence that resulted in a homicide, resulting from the US Secret Services and the West side Uni-cops failure to find or engage the gunman as they strolled past the area of the west causeway while looking for the gunman.
Notice the tactical advantage from here on the west side .
They had means, opportunity and capability to deter or neutralize the gunman before firing any shots,,, and they chose to not take action to engage him in a timely manner...
Criminal prosecutions to force accountability are necessary..
Excellent Drone footage of that vantage point..
https://www.youtube_(snip) t=6min
How can we know if AI is going to be used as a tool of tyranny, a gateway to Authoritarian rule, Communism, and the same living hell that China's Cultural Revolution & the Bolshevik revolution brought??
Big tech is erasing Trump assassination attempt from history?
Another body-cam perspective shows when they saw the gunman on the roof and the keystone cop response...
This one includes the footage from the suspended X-account of "AdudeUknow"..
This is a very thorough overview of the east-side activity... Where direct action wasted opportunity to eliminate threat... Do they not understand maintaining/prioritizing plane-of-visibility over proximity to threat??? They had shots from two angles..
https://youtu. be/vhjrC1wzJG4 --- first few minutes
Distances in the video are extremely exaggerated by wide angle lens but i keeping hearing people say "he was quite a ways off"..
That is only a video viewers perspective and being injected to build plausible-excusibility..
A proper tactical response would have dropped this guy from two angles...
The video from the wast side provides the glaring example of poor tactical action...
A Uni-cop walked right by the west roof-view as shooter was being pointed out by many he had just passed... In their search for a 'suspect',,, wearing grey-shirt white-pants,,, Uni-cop1 had just passed someone matching that exact description,, even to the shoe color,, sitting on the ground below the line of sight where the shooter would have been seen by Uni-cop1,,, if he had not been looking at the guy on the ground....
Diversion successful,, it bought the shooter another few seconds...
If this wasn't a team effort,,, then we've just seen a 1 in a trillion coincidence.
Two people,, with identical clothing color,, in line-of-sight of a missed opportunity. to spot the gunman.
Uni-cop2 who passed moments later was back-stepping to look across the roof,,, and wouldn't ya know he had a look-alike in his immediate foreground.
What are the chances???
The radio coms did not say "kid" as ChrisM. was saying in his narration,,,
They just said suspect, in such & such cloths...
A potential diversion subject screams of a potential team effort...
We have high potential evidence to cast doubt over the lone-shooter narrative,,, he may have had at least 1 on-site helper to inject confusion and provide a diversion if necessary...
This all happened at the ONLY spot where shooter might have been visible,,, a spot that he himself sat at earlier in the day...
What are the chances???????
Chris Martenson presentation synced videos - Copenhaver/Stew/SE-lawn.

The incredible Copenhaver film shows Crooks running across the AGR rooftops 3 minutes before the first shot rang out. This settles some questions, but raises many others, most notably how exactly are…
Peak ProsperityBack to the rt. ear of the shooter...
Did you know that Maxwell Yearick had reconstructive surgery on his right ear????
According to research at referenced by DougHagmann two days ago,, the right ear of the shooter matchs Yearick's almost exactly...
-Hagmann Report
https:/ /www.podbean. com/ew/dir-3pddz-1ffd2761 t=20min +/-
https:/ / com/watch?v=NE_xWFhbBb4
@HealthRanger Since we see Kamala Harris being pushed to the top in an un democratic process being played out by the Democrat party, I thought I'd pass along something I noticed when she took her oath of office. She didn't put her hand on the bible, she put her purse on the bible, and her hand
on her purse. You should be able to find video evidence of this. I don't know what that might symbolize to the occult or to someone demon possesed, but maybe knowing about it and sharing the knowledge will shine a light on a what's really the motivation behind her presidential campain with out a primary.
@HealthRanger Controlled opposition. The whole Brighteon complex (or should I say "operation Brighteon"?) is controlled opposition. A clever "echo chamber" (look it up) for the hopeful fools. To advertise controlled opposition. Avoiding discussion of the actual root of evil on Earth and solutions to the ancient parasitic infestation that plagues Earth for almost two millennia now. To keep people stuck in a loop of reacting to absolutely irrelevant distractions invented by the 1%. And allowing the 1% provide their own for profit solutions without any disruption. Everything on this complex is intentionally designed to serve manipulation. Remember: if something seems off, that's because it is. Don't allow your artificially clouded mind fool you into falling into a pit trap, trust your gut feeling that has kept your ancestors alive for many thousands of years.
Raid on Trump's estate by FBI and the documents photoed were the result of a setup and involved the staging of photos that were claimed to be classified...
The story will appear on Hal Turner Radio show .com after tonights broadcast... 05/14/24 t=45min +/-
@Skye757 @HealthRanger When are these influencers going to catch on??
We are living in the times of Great Deception,, initiated by the Royal Academy of Science and advanced to undermine the legitimacy of the Ancient stories,, known to be in agreement at their most basic points,, extreme catastrophe as our Solar system went through a transformation..
The global elites who control western s$cience have suppressed the cryptic ancient clues and fabricated narratives that magnify the personification of certain characters while driving a fear narrative as they hijack the world's original stories and covers them with modern mysticism & made for Hollywood scenarios...
The public is being scammed as the truth about our actual history is being suppressed...
Comparative mythology and plasma cosmology have broken the encryption of the ancient symbols,,, including petroglyphs..
It was all a celestial drama that included extreme catastrophe as our Herbig-Haro system transitioned into our ordered solar system,,, Order out of Chaos is the ancient story... It has been hijacked for political gain..
Herbig-Haro object...
Brown Dwarf and the Purple Dawn of Creation | Space News / Wal Thornhill
The Ganymede hypothesis (wrt HH-Object scenario only)
Greg Reese and all the so called influencers are missing the boat on this...
Why is that????
There is solid research therein..
Interesting interview… Scott Ritter with Greg Reese ~ from Moscow, Russia
Scott Ritter Show Ep. 66
Live Streamed: Wednesday March 27, 2024
Length: 40 minutes
Buyer Beware --- Stealthbird Drone --- Black Falcon Drone
BlackFalcon4KDrone User Experience (from an Actual Person)
https://youtu. be/2U3X5O1OKnE?si=S3JEKHTJeEsnmm02
Notice feature differences... Is Camera actually Gimbaled or just manual-adjust up & down only?
The Black Falcon, img-A, does not have a real gimbaled camera.. App compatibility issues too.
Here is link that got me snagged on the Black Falcon Drone,,, notice that is say stealth bird..
https://stealthbird4k .shop/en/?ref_id=a86f3e5aec521dbb096d585b02d0bb5e&msclkid=a86f3e5aec521dbb096d585b02d0bb5e
The camera has horrible latency,, app crashes when pictures shot.. The Strap of carring case has already failed & one batteries won't connect.
@ youtube