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Entrepreneur, mil.pilot, intel-EW;NWO research from Reagan yrs.; wrote 1990 thesis exposing Global Warming Theory as fraud /subtitle: Environmental Strategy to the NWO; 20 yrs on advanced micro-nutrient solutions (anti-oxidants) immune optimizing vs. BigPharma and EMF threat with Big Tech. MRET iWater optimal hydration benefits. Provides support for supplemental earnings by leveraging networks for retirement, pension theft recovery, agorist survive2thrive nodes
Entrepreneur, mil.pilot, intel-EW;NWO research from Reagan yrs.; wrote 1990 thesis exposing Global Warming Theory as fraud /subtitle: Environmental Strategy to the NWO; 20 yrs on advanced micro-nutrient solutions (anti-oxidants) immune optimizing vs. BigPharma and EMF threat with Big Tech. MRET iWater optimal hydration benefits. Provides support for supplemental earnings by leveraging networks for retirement, pension theft recovery, agorist survive2thrive nodes
Is it shot, a treatment, a biological agent... or a vaccine?
The mRNA injections are gene therapies that do not fulfill a single criteria or definition of a vaccine.
articles.mercola.comOn my mind? Being up early for prayer with Pass the Salt ministries
spoliation is part of their method
Ha,, she tried to vamp me in the audience once, concert in T-town. She would lock -in on young boys ( I was 17 or so).
Ha,, she tried to vamp me in the audience once, concert in T-town. She would lock -in on young boys ( I was 17 or so).
21 day count down.. better ask for wisdom to deal with state agencies that refuse to recognize coup attempt with pervasive PsyOp by institutions of mass conditioning.