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ALI-PAC Endorses Beatrice Nichols & J.R. Majewski for Congress
DACA illegal, illegals loot, we have a need for speed!
Please Support our Amnesty & illegal immigration Fighting 2022 Federal Candidates!
Europe Fights Back Against Invasion MSNBC flips out & lies about Giorgia Meloni
Europe Fights Back Against Invasion MSNBC flips out & lies about Giorgia Meloni
Biden-inspired Democrat Killer of Republican #CaylerEllingson set free a few days after political murder!
Venezuela is sending dangerous prisoners into America illegally with Biden's aid (15:45 mark in vid). This is invasion & Treason that is destroying America and killing untold innocent US citizens. Watch, comment & Share.
Report: Biden's Alternatives to Detention Not Tracking Illegals Through GPS "Everybody out there. White. Black. Male. Female. Gay. Straight. Young and old, knows that they're lying to us on a regular basis,"...

KTRH-AM covering local news from Houston and across Texas.
ktrh.iheart.comYoung Mother Karina Castro Decapitated by Illegal Alien in San Francisco
Same sanctuary city that allowed Kate Steinle's illegal alien killer to walk free
We will fight this illegal immigration invasion!
Please support Crowder before Youtube bans him again. "High Pelosi" is a catchy term we should all adopt!
"She's So High" - Nancy Pelosi Parody | Louder with Crowder
Donnie Harrison to provide Sanctuary for illegals following murder of Wake Co. Deputy Byrd by illegals. Refuses to honor ICE detainers too.
DHS Urged to Disclose Details of Illegal Aliens Charged with Murdering Deputy Ned Byrd (ALIPAC In The News)

The DHS is being urged to disclose details of illegal alien brothers charged with murdering sheriff's deputy Ned Byrd in a sanctuary county.
www.breitbart.comSOS ... --- ... Status Report & Offers to help
ALIPAC In WashTimes: ICE identifies cop-killer suspects as illegal immigrants --
"William Gheen, who is based in North Carolina and is president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, placed blame for Byrd’s killing on broken borders and sanctuary policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities. “The Sotelo brothers should have never been in America in the first place and should have had ICE detainers placed on them through 287(g) programs when previously encountered by police,” Mr. Gheen told The Washington Times."

Three Mexican brothers identified as part of an investigation into the shocking murder of a North Carolina sheriff’s deputy were all in the country illegally — including one who was caught and released…
www.washingtontimes.com48 Hours Till Deadline: Will you help us?
ALIPAC's most recent accomplishments and activities over the last three years. (Please review)
ALIPAC and William Gheen have been interviewed, cited, & quoted by every major media publication and outlet in America since 2004 as a
www.alipac.usDo you support our 6 action plans against the invasion?