I'm an ardent conservative and love world travel. My last trip took me to Kyiv and Chernobyl where I spent two days in the exclusion zone. When I was getting settled in my hotel, large protest was going on against George Soros. I studied at the Institute of World Politics. Pure Blood - Sigma
RED Tsunami WAVES!!! 63 of 67 Pennsylvania Counties Have SHIFTED Republican Since 2020
Trump has WON Pennsylvania before (Actually TWICE) and he can CERTAINLY Do it AGAIN!!!

The massive crowd for Trump’s return to Butler, Pennsylvania this weekend may be a sign of something bigger.
The Gateway Pundit@RedWill Does anybody know the attendance of the rally? The morning CIA Boy started his usual bs and since all he spouts is CIA propaganda talking points, here’s their latest. “That Trump hired the two shooters to shot at him and promised them pardons after the election”. Now you know why the country is doing so badly…with morons like that…get out the wood chippers!!!