Key Systems & Telecommunications Tech., R.I. State Sponsored Tech School...
FCC/U.S.A.F. Electronics & Microwave... Technology.
W.C.C.C. Business Management...
C.C.R.I. E.E.
U.R.I. E.E.
@RaptureChurch @timomalum Hopefully now it is well established that Russia has been battling the Human Trafficking and Illegal Biological Weapons Production Center of the World... The Ukraine... Putin went in because of two issues... 1. Thousands of Missing Russian Children along the Border, and 2. Clear Satellite Footage of Biological Weaponry Labs constructed by every major US Big Pharma Co. The tens of thousands of Children rescued from Cages and adreinachrome Harvesting Labs Steeled Putin's Resolve... A Rothschild & Rockefeller Khazarian Operation to Set up their New World Center of Operations.... Durring WW2 without Russia on the Eastern Front We likely would have lost Europe and then America. As it was we were still invaded by Paperclip Agents of the Reich... I am a living witness to the Paperclip Agents Controlling American Tech...