Key Systems & Telecommunications Tech., R.I. State Sponsored Tech School...
FCC/U.S.A.F. Electronics & Microwave... Technology.
W.C.C.C. Business Management...
C.C.R.I. E.E.
U.R.I. E.E.
@Shawna_lynns I Am Banned from Facebook and the 500+ International Acquaintances who were trying to learn about these things... Linked-In Simultaneously Shadow Banned my Ability to Log In.... There I was Discussing these issues with Numerous Doctorate Level Scientists and Engineers. In the Future and Now we are in absolute need of 100% Accountability, Transparency, and so many other area's in direct accord with All The Founding Documents of Our Sovereign Nation... This Must Extend though Every Knowledge Base Possessed by Human Beings Planet Wide, to Include Any Break away Portions located Inner-World, or Off World... Open Source Everything... Transparency And The Imminent Light Of Day Disintegrates These Negative Entities Parading in Hubris and Nihilism as Human Authorities...