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Truth alone triumphs and not untruth
Truth alone triumphs and not untruth
UN Sustainable Development Goals translated in plain English – UN Bullshit Control and Criminality – Agenda 2030
#Nuremberg2Gallows !!! Forwarded from We stand for unvaxx ❅ Kids in a waiting room being monitored after having received their C19 shots. One of them falls to the ground unconscious.
#DeathJab #Nuremberg2Gallows - 13-Year-Old Girl's Heart Stops in Canada After COVID Shot - Wake-the-Fuck-Up
Dr. Robert Malone: 13,000 Scientists and Physicians Signed The Rome Declaration - Do not vaccinate healthy children,
do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune, and stop blocking physicians from treating patients.
"There are more scientists and physicians that have signed off on this than are employed at the entire HSS. Let that sink in for a moment.
A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution - By Kieran Morrissey -
September 22, 2021 - WHO chief terrorist criminal and CCP Puppet has already announced Marburg -
See also
Let's hope this head of the Australia-1 party and former Military man has the fire power to enforce this No Amnesty after October proclamation!!! More power to him!!!
The whole & i do mean whole CRIMINAL CABAL including media, health ministers, premiers & prime minister, hospitals, doctors, etc all having a duty of care, a responsibility 2 search 4 fact and not push false agendas, and a duty to speak the truth are guilty of #CRIMESagainstHUMANITY - DEEPSTATE COVID ACTORS EXPOSED - #PLANDEMIC - Pandemic Crisis Actors…busted. Yes, crisis actors are a real thing. Wake up World. This Plandemic is soooo scary need to hire actors to be sick - – SHARE WIDELY!!!
Such a great listen and share. So heart felt. And, she’s an ethics professor in Canada -