Aut Vincere Aut Mori
Translation: "Either To Conquer Or To Die"
BREAKING: President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ – Precincts with Over 100% Turnout! “Either A New Election Should Immediately Take Place Or The Past Election Should Be Decertified”

President Donald Trump released a statement today revealing new “damning and determinative” information discovered in Pima County, Arizona. The Gateway Pundit reported on a statement earlier, where President…
The Gateway Pundit@BraveHeart New vote with paper ballots. Disabled can be taken to vote. No more rigged electronic voting machines connected to the Internet in our voting system. A complete forensic audit of every county must be done to really see what the rats did in every county. Was the a software program setting the votes? Why was China connected to our voting system? Yeah corrupt politicians & public servants have really made a mess, but a new election with in person paper ballots, & no more voting by mail.