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@VP I sent all my stimulus check in to Brighteon! Mike said he needs half a million to make this work! Who is in?
@Liveeasy I think Alex Jones has been told to throw the deep state off the trail. Help make it look like Trump has given in. I can only conclude that because he is peddling pure nonsense. Like the idea that Trump could run in 2024.
Trump and all of us won't be alive in 2024, and Alex knows this, if we don't get this now, so that is giving the deep state the impression that we think there is a come back possible after we lose this. Anything else make sense?
The only speech I want to hear from Trump is on the emergency broadcast saying he is arresting the traitors as he speaks
@CitizenQuasar Get ready for him to!
@HealthRanger Lin wood on parler keeps tweeting "pray for our president" Yep... pray for my nerves... They are shot. Right now, I spend much of my day trying to figure out who the PSYOP is.
@HealthRanger yes! Surely the penny will start to drop for some of the asleep people - the sleeples ! I might trademark that
They are planning another false flag activity. Remember they always commit the crimes that they accuse the other side of doing
Like all clueless mainstream conservatives, Dan Bongino spent years arguing AGAINST any regulation of Big Tech or removing sec. 230. He said the "free market" should provide solutions.
Now, Bongino is perma-banned from Twitter. And the platform he co-owns, Parler, has just been completely de-platformed by Google Android and Apple.
How's that "free market solution" bullshit working for you now, Dan?
Maybe you should have realized sooner that MONOPOLIES must be dismantled!
Wow. Twitter banned rush limbaugh. Its all out war. The left is going way too far, revealing their tyranny to the world. Now americans know they have to fight this.
@HealthRanger I mean everybody on here already knows this was a staged false flag by CIA/FBI using their useful idiot BLANTIFA stooges to incite hive mentality antics and violence. With the mockingbird mainstream media spin, MAGA patriots will be mercilessly condemned.
Btw, Pence has been promoted to full blown traitor from traitor elect.
Worth noting that every member of Congress who is voting for the fraudulent Biden electors tonight is committing a FELONY act that can get you give years in prison:
Title 52, Section 20511 of the United States Code, that says anyone who knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process for federal office can be punished by up to five years in prison.
@HealthRanger Ok, I'll try again. Virtually all vaccines are unnecessary if you take large doses of vitamin c, even polio! Dr. Frederick Klenner proved this in 1940. Guess what else "goes away "with large doses of vitamin C. C**** . When is somebody going to listen to this and stop this nightmare. It all short circuits if there is no fear of death from "a" virus.
IT TRULY WOULD BE A SHOW if TRUMP had Prisoner transport busses parked in a line outside Capitol as CONGRESS has to file by then while entering Jan 6 to vote on electors. Now THAT would be WILD!
@HealthRanger I am really starting to like the idea of having a few hundred traitors inside a single building on Jan 6, who all know there are a million (plus) patriots on the streets... outside that same building. Trump is right, it will be "wild".
@HealthRanger hopefully he flips his comments once he is rightfully our President for a second term!
@HealthRanger got to tweet him about this after the stupid fraud election dealt with
Just because Pence did not act on the 23rd does that mean he is a traitor and won't act on the 6th? You do realize that the election was a trap to drain the swamp, right not about the election. As I have heard from 2 sources Trump is going to strike at the last minute which is the 6th. X22 Report and Jeffrey Prather. For those who believe Trump is just going to sit back and let the country fall you are mistaken. You cannot cherry pick the swamp!! See below how Trump has set the trap...
I am so sorry you have lost your faith in POTUS. When your dealing the with enemy you have to strategize and make it seem like your are loosing the battle so that you can come back and catch the enemy in the act. This is what POTUS is doing. Given the people that Trump has moved around you should be able to have more hope than what you are saying. I know that you voted for Trump because he acted on his word, don't be so quick to judge now when it comes to our country. Trump knows his enemy.
@PattersonGlenFarm The talk is a distraction. The real game is going on behind the scenes. Trump is gaming the Deep State, he looks incompetent and weak. It's aggravating, but if it was obvious then it wouldn't work. But we all need to be fed up, so its working.
I'm not saying it's not going to be a fight, I'm just pointing out what we should be able to see. Trump is not conceding, he is not losing, he is positioning the military, he is playing chess, he has no intention of failing to act.