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Christian Anglo Israelite. Word Studies. Presentations. Slideshows. History.
Exposing 'church' doctrine and Mystery Babylon.
Christian Anglo Israelite. Word Studies. Presentations. Slideshows. History.
Exposing 'church' doctrine and Mystery Babylon.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
Was the Apostle Paul a false apostle? Let's find out.
Court is in session .
In Paul's Defense (Part 1 of 3)
Part 1 audio:
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
Most people, especially in the 'churches', have no clue, nor can believe that America is in the Bible. America is most definitely found in prophecy.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44 that Yahweh would set up in the days of the kings.
America had its roots in Christianity. America was founded upon and dedicated to Jesus Christ and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. Yes, America is HimmelReich=The Kingdom of Heaven.
Is America still a Christian nation today? We will find out.
Did God bless America between 2009-2020?
Let's see what happened during those 11 years of Jacob's Troubles:
Audio: Part 9
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America in Prophecy:
Sheldon Emry – Scroll to 1985 and see 'America's Roots' for PROOF America was founded upon and dedicated to JESUS CHRIST.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
Most people, especially in the 'churches', have no clue, nor can believe that America is in the Bible. America is most definitely found in prophecy.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44 that Yahweh would set up in the days of the kings.
America had its roots in Christianity. America was founded upon and dedicated to Jesus Christ and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. Yes, America is HimmelReich=The Kingdom of Heaven.
Is America still a Christian nation today? We will find out.
Did God bless America between 1980-2009?
Audio: Part 8
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America in Prophecy:
Sheldon Emry – Scroll to 1985 and see 'America's Roots' for PROOF America was founded upon and dedicated to JESUS CHRIST.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
Most people have no clue, nor can believe that America is in the Bible. America is most definitely found in prophecy.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44 that Yahweh would set up in the days of the kings.
Is America still a Christian nation today? We will find out.
Did God bless America between 1962-1980?
Why would He if we allowed the Canaanites and Edomites in our government to remove the Bible and prayer from public schools?
I'm sure the Vietnam war was not another Banker's War.
Another unconstitutional expansion of our Khazarian government took over the Dept of Transportation while former Jewish carnival showman Anton Szandor LaVey founded the “Church of Satan”.
Interracial marriage, which was once illegal, was legalized.
More gun control laws.
Red China was recognized by America to the UN Security Council. Nice!
Monsanto GMO devil seed company gains power.
Businesses started opening on Sundays.
The Planned Parenthood offices of Molech were open for business and legalized nationally. Anyone for Khazarian Fried Children?
And should our God bless our nation when Child Pornography was introduced? Pizza party!
Audio: Part 7
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America in Prophecy:
Sheldon Emry – Scroll to 1985 and see 'America's Roots' for PROOF America was founded upon and dedicated to JESUS CHRIST.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
Most people have no clue, nor can believe that America is in the Bible. America is most definitely found in prophecy.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44 that Yahweh would set up in the days of the kings, and even though Mystery Babylon is the SYSTEM that controls the whole world, America will never be destroyed. Why would God destroy ZION?
Here in Mystery Babylon shall we be delivered (Mic 4:10). America had its roots in Christianity. America was founded upon and dedicated to Jesus Christ and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. Yes, America is HimmelReich=The Kingdom of Heaven.
Is America still a Christian nation today?
Did God bless America between 1943-1962? Let's find out.
Audio: Part 6
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2Ch 7:14 If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
America in Prophecy:
Sheldon Emry – Scroll to 1985 and see 'America's Roots' for PROOF America was founded upon and dedicated to JESUS CHRIST.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44 that Yahweh would set up in the days of the kings. America had its roots in Christianity.
Is America still a Christian nation today?
Did God bless America between 1933-1941? Let's find out.
Audio: Part 5
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Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44. This Israelite Christian nation was founded upon and dedicated to Jesus Christ. We were truly blessed.
Is America still a Christian nation today?
Did God bless America between 1909-1933? Let's find out.
Audio: Part 4
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Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
America was founded as a Christian nation upon Jesus Christ.
Is America still a Christian nation today?
We saw the deterioration of America began shortly after its birth in the first 2 episodes.
Did God bless America between 1871-1909? Let's find out.
Audio: Pt 3
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Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
God certainly blessed America's beginning, as this country was the only country founded on and dedicated to Jesus Christ, as well as is the nation prophesied of in the OT. Prophetic Zion. HimmelReich=The Kingdom of Heaven.
But does God still bless us as a nation?
Introduction – America's birth to 1789.
Audio: Pt 1
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Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
In this “Separate & Segregated” Word Study we have covered Genesis thru Revelation and showed the unpopular truth in the Word of God. That we are not to be mingled with the other races in our communities, our countries, our business dealings and contracts, our heritage and traditions, our fellowship, or our beds!
Did anyone catch the multi-religious prayer/worship at the RNC? Did anyone notice JD Vance has a Hindu wife and they are mutli-religious? How about all the commercials and shows on TV? Race-mixing galore! Do the 'churches' and Universalists agree with that? Yup, they sure do.
When will you people realize with real eyes the real lies?
The world and the churches LOVE race-mixing.
Our God HATES it.
In episode 15 we covered everything we've learned in the Old Testament.
In this last episode we cover everything we've learned in the New Testament.
God's Word is clear. He chose we Israelites as His special, peculiar, a people above all peoples, the only family of all the families of the earth, holy set-apart, separated and segregated people.
He has not done so with any other people/race. Sanctify yourselves, repent, partake not of their ways, religions, practices, and abominations.
Be ye separate, for your Father is separate. HOLY means Set-Apart.
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Audio: Part 16
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
In this “Separate & Segregated” Word Study we have covered Genesis thru Revelation and showed the unpopular truth in the Word of God. That we are not to be mingled with the other races in our communities, our countries, our business dealings and contracts, our heritage, our fellowship, or our beds!
Their ways are not ours, and our ways are not theirs.
Every single empire in history fell because of 3 main things. Fiat currency – OPEN Homosexuality/Sodomy – RACIAL INTEGRATION/multi-culturalism.
If you still believe in universalism, equality, diversity, one-blood brotherhood of man, God loves everybody, church doctrine, then you are part of the problem. You have chosen to spit in God's face and go your own way which you think is more equal. But your ways are NOT equal. You are not Sovereign.
God does the choosing, and as we can see, the world and church systems do not agree with Him.
In the last episode we answered the question: What about the other races?
In this episode we will cover everything we've learned in the Old Testament.
Don't have time to listen/read the detailed first 7 episodes? This is the OT SUMMARY. Evidence, condensed. The Reader's Digest Version.
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Audio: Part 15 (1hr53m)
Next week: New Testament SUMMARY
BITCHUTE channel
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
We have covered Genesis thru Revelation in our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, and we saw straight from God's Word that our Almighty Father demands RACIAL SEGREGATION in THE OLD Covenant and THROUGHOUT THE NEW COVENANT, and INTO THE KINGDOM AGE.
The 'churches' along with the ungodly World System do not agree with God's Word.
“All, Every, and Whosoever” in Scripture does NOT mean 'all and sundry, every race and everyone, and whosoever of anyone'.
“All, Every, and Whosoever” are of those who are the subject of the CONTEXT, and to NO ONE ELSE outside of each CONTEXT.
In the last episode we read Col. Jack Mohr's article 'Race Mixing A Social and Spiritual Disaster', and you should now see how multiculturalism does not work, never has, and never will.
Now that we've shown through God's Word what He expects of us, the question raised is inevitably 'What About the Other Races?'. This EPISODE will provide the Biblical answers.
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Audio: Part 14
keep an eye on AUDENZA
1/200 chance of death in context of new bird flu injection - 5 times higher than placebo according to clinical trial
God save us from the Bird Flu that's infecting Cows and killing Humans.
Well, actually, God save us from these bastards that fabricate 'viruses'.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
We have covered Genesis thru Revelation in our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, and the evidence is overwhelming, especially to the average Quistian church goer, the Universalists, and anyone who doesn't understand who is who and the Biblical CONTEXT, that our God demanded RACIAL SEGREGATION in THE OLD Covenant and THROUGHOUT THE NEW COVENANT, and UNTO THE END OF THIS AGE, and INTO THE KINGDOM AGE.
“All, Every, and Whosoever” in Scripture does NOT mean 'all and sundry, every race and everyone, and whosoever of anyone'.
“All, Every, and Whosoever” of those who are the subject of the CONTEXT, and to NO ONE ELSE outside of each CONTEXT.
Yes, it is a nice thought that these words and passages mean everybody in the world, but the Bible is not about everybody in the world. It is about Israelites. The OT prophecies, covenants, and promises are with All Israelites, Every literal physical zera/sperma of Jacob, Whosoever of the House of Israel.
I CHALLENGE anyone to show me any verse, covenant, prophecy, promise, or statement, that our God included the other races into the exclusive covenants and promises that He made with we Israelites. Old OR New Testament.
In this Episode: An Article by Col. Jack Mohr 'Race Mixing A Social and Spiritual Disaster'
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Audio: PT13 (1hr15m)
BITCHUTE channel
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
We have covered Genesis thru Revelation in our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, and you should plainly see that our God demanded RACIAL SEGREGATION in THE OLD Covenant and THROUGHOUT THE NEW COVENANT, and UNTO THE END OF THIS AGE, and INTO THE KINGDOM AGE. For our God changes not, and we are a holy (set-apart) people.
From Genesis to Revelation we saw All the EVIDENCE that the Bible teaches to 'be ye separate', not 'be ye mingled'.
But if you don't understand who is who in Scripture, then you just won't see how racial integration is a JUDGMENT.
It's not hard to see how EVERY Empire and Country's Problems Begin with Integration of Aliens and Mamzers. Just look at how well America and all the White nations are doing because of it.
In this Episode: A word from other preachers who taught the Truth way before me. Articles by Comparet 'God's Immigration Laws'/'Yahweh Commands Racial Segregation', Wesley Swift notes, Emry sermon clip.
I CHALLENGE anyone to show me any verse, covenant, prophecy, promise, or statement, that our God included the other races into the exclusive covenants and promises that He made with we Israelites. Old OR New Testament.
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Audio: PT 12
Greetings Brighteons.
We have covered Genesis thru Jude in our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, and you should see by now that RACIAL SEGREGATION CONTINUES FROM THE OLD AND THROUGHOUT THE NEW COVENANT, UNTO THE END OF THIS AGE, AND INTO THE KINGDOM AGE.
In this episode we finish proving it in: Revelation
From Genesis to Revelation we see that the Bible teaches to 'be ye separate', not 'be ye mingled'.
We will also examine how 'Problems began with Culture Change in America'.
I CHALLENGE anyone to show me any verse, covenant, prophecy, promise, or statement, that our God included the other races into the exclusive covenants and promises that He made with we Israelites. Old OR New Testament.
Ba'al universalism, the world system, communism, the United Nations, this ungodly society, the Jewish media, and 'church' doctrines all agree with each other. SO how the hell can The Word of God also agree? It can't. This is why WE are SET-APART.
If you have been called OUT of these systems, then you can see, and you know that God's Word does NOT agree with any of the above mentioned worldly entities. Especially with the 'churches'.
The problems in the Nation always began in the Temple/'churches'. WHY? Because they let the animals from the barn and the woods into the HOUSE! And they change sound doctrine to suit their own bellies and delusions of equality and integration!
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Audio: PT 11
Audio Presentation SEPARATE AND SEGREGATED Pt 1 – Intro/a – Kneejerk reactions SEPARATE AND SEGREGATED Pt 2 – Intro/b – Common objections SEPARATE AND SEGREGATED Pt 3…
Age of LaodiceaGreetings my Israelite kith and kin at Brighteon.
If you've been following our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, you should see by now that the Word of God is clear, and that the fact, and unpopular truth, is that our 'racist' God demands the races to be separate from each other, and we've proved it as we've covered Genesis thru 2Corinthians.
But there are still people who refuse to accept the Word of God. They think that their ways are equal, so they try to give the holy unto the dogs, and they cast their pearls before swine. Even when Jesus Himself stated and demonstrated that non-Israelites can only receive of the children's crumbs which fall from the Master's table.
In this episode we prove it yet again in: Galatians thru Jude
The Bible teaches to 'be ye separate', not 'be ye mingled'.
I CHALLENGE anyone to show me any verse, covenant, prophecy, promise, or statement, that God included the other races into the exclusive covenants and promises that He made with we Israelites. Old OR New Testament
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Audio: PT 10
Kid murdered for telling truth about Trump and the Government and Esau Edom
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin,
we continue our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”.
We've been covering the fact, and unpopular truth, that our 'racist' God demands the races to be separate from each other, and proved it when we've covered Genesis thru John.
In this episode: Acts thru 2Corinthians
The Bible teaches to 'be ye separate', not 'be ye mingled'.
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Audio: PT 9
BITCHUTE channel
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin,
time to get into our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”.
We've been covering the fact, and unpopular truth, that God demands the races to be separate from each other, and proved it when we've covered Genesis thru Malachi.
In this episode: Matthew - Mark - Luke - John
The Bible teaches to 'be ye separate', not 'be ye mingled'.
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Audio: PT 8:
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