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This is an interview with Bo Polny,55minutes, discussing God's time line calendar of events. Bo Polny has been pretty great at predicting major events days in the past year and he thinks April plays into another event in God's calendar, not his, God's. An interesting discussion. He gives God ththe glory,not himself.

Bo Polny: And SUDDENLY, Everything Changed! I had Bo back on my show on April 10, 2021 to talk about the explosive events that are coming in just a few weeks..... Bitcoin, silver, the fall of the doll
rumble.comMessage from Patrick Byrne intended to encourage us as we come into the home stretch.
#UNRIG ElectionsTalk about self sufficient...!!! This is a cool video about a man building an underground dwelling in 72 days with one tool! Very very interesting I think!
Simon Parkes: Major Updates on the U S Military Intelligence Community: America Amazing Grace (Videos)
#SimonParkes #Military #Intelligence

Yesterdays but still you should listen...

😀Get The Best VPN For 50% Off Today! Click Here Make Yourself Anonymous Online!! 🕵️🛡️ Trump and the patriots plan is
x22report.comBlocked and banned on FB, Twitter & YT, but he is still putting out his awesome truthful videos.
The X22 Report is what you can listen too and really feel good about. Election fraud is game over. When someone is so blocked, that is proof that the deep state does not want you to hear what he reports on. We will actually see the corrupt government arrested? We will win against the paedophile psychopathic perverts, & save the children from so many sick perverted people.

😀Get The Best VPN For 50% Off Today! Click Here Make Yourself Anonymous Online!! 🕵️🛡️ The [DS] has fell right in into Excellent Post!! keep up the good work!
The gift of salvation makes the poorest beggar a Prince, missing this gift makes the wealthiest man a pauper. Ephesians 2.8-9 )God grants us first the power to receive love and then the power to give it .We simply come to the throne room of grace and ask God to create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit ( His Holy Spirit) within me .Lord increase my compassion for all people and He will.
Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
This is a 54 minute conversation between Tucker Carlson and a doctor about the vax issues. It is the only probing intelligent one I have heard. I am not in agreement that Gates is not involved, but you might want to check it out to add to your arsenal of info to share.
Happy Easter
Watch this pastor, he is standing up against the police

“This is fire! 🔥 This is what EVERY CHRISTIAN PASTOR should to be doing RIGHT NOW! Rise up!”
Twitter@CrazyHorse923 The only perfection in my house is the purrfection of a sleeping cat in the sun! But as you say,it is a work in progress. We don't lose when we fail, we lose when we quit! From glory to glory we go...............
@CrazyHorse923 Thank you very much for this well-stated comment. A Blessed Resurrection Day to you and yours!
Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Sin will take you deeper than you thought, sin will leave you empty and hopeless! Jesus came, died and arose so that you would have Hope! For God so loved you that whosoever might be saved!
The fog of war is just that....foggy, meaning the truth and deception are very hard to discern. Often any needed action, before doubts are eliminated, must be based on best available intel, the fog, and the decisionmaker's gut. Post war, those foggy decisions can be best assessed when the battlefields have grown quiet. I am but one man but I believe a very few digital soldiers who say the war is coming to an end and very soon. I pray for our country and citizens. I pray God answers our prayers.
Did you know...
... that today is Pencil Eraser Day? On this day in 1858, Hyman Lipman patented a pencil with an attached eraser. Yes, folks, we can all thank Hyman for allowing us to erase our mistakes! What's interesting is the eraser was actually installed "within" the wood of the pencil opposite from the writing end so the pencil could be sharpened on both ends to refresh either the graphite core or the eraser.
Did you know...
... that today is the birthday of John Tyler? John Tyler, the tenth President of the United States, was born on March 29, 1790, in Greenway, Virginia. Trivia buffs: Tyler was called The Accidental President because he was the first to succeed to the office following the death of a predecessor. And he had 15 children!
That’s exactly what I have been thinking.
Everyone is in need of loving kindness at the moment, even those who have swallowed all the ‘government information’ wholesale.
In a sense they are vulnerable to have done so.