Together, with your help, we can keep the Brighteon family of sites operating, innovating and fighting against online censorship. Any amount you can spare makes a difference.

Patriot. I believe in our rights and the country our forefathers handed down. We are the land of the free and home of the brave. Corruption is rampant in our country and we need to fight for what is right or live with the degradation of our society. Let's bring back the Pledge of Allegiance to our schools.
Patriot. I believe in our rights and the country our forefathers handed down. We are the land of the free and home of the brave. Corruption is rampant in our country and we need to fight for what is right or live with the degradation of our society. Let's bring back the Pledge of Allegiance to our schools.
I'm thinking, how i don't accept food from others. [Because i'm afraid of nanotech.]
Not totally for the satanic ritual connotation, but for the empowerment of saying no.
For those HAPPILY vaccinated with the COVID kill shot, here is some GRAND news for you.

The exec. has previously noted current vaccine cost is unrepresentative of the company's pricing model
nationalpost.comCelebrities giving the term 'Eat me" a new meaning!!
Please check out Galen Winsor!! Learn the truth about Radiation and the lies you've been told. It amazes me how little people care about this subject.. They would rather live in fear then learn the truth!! Wake up People!!!
The States has only DELEGATED 5 powers to the FEDS, everything else they do is unlawful.....
Violation of Taxation
Felony crimes at high seas
How do we withhold $$ from these thieves?
Is it me or the fake pandemic was just a manufactured thing to get rid of Donald Trump?
Give me a break...
Congratulation to the states reopening at last. What a god damn waste this was.
And what are WE THE PEOPLE going to do about it? Stand idly by and continue to support businesses, corporations and big tech who cancel anything and everything they deem offensive, racist and/or conservative?
PATRIOTS fire back by boycotting every business censoring conservatives!! Hit 'em where it hurts them most = their bank accounts!
Too little too late for Abbott. He's gone 2022.
Looks like the Great state of Texas isn't so great after all. Sending troops house to house to kill seniors with the deadly vaxx
Door to door vaccinations by the National Guard in Texas...

WHOA! Talk about a racist- this is insane.
AFFNo doubt many of you have seen this already, nonetheless I wish to add to the discussion. First off let me say I respect what I see and know of Sidney Powell, she appears to be an upright American with integrity and morals... With that being said, what do many expect out of these court cases? Do you expect honesty and a call to action on the part of the government and courts if the cases are won? I like to think positive, but is there any proof any of this matters?

The United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases. The court made the announcement on Monday morning. Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.…
The Gateway PunditCaught wind of ABC News’s segment on Rush Limbaugh’s passing and it was predictably biased. They made special mention of his “attacks”:on Sandra Fluke, as if anyone cared about that dumb bitch. Even went so far as to state that his “attack” on her was “sexist.” They also mentioned his supposed support of “birtherism” and stated that this “support” made him “racist.” Finally, they gleefully pointed out that the usurper, Beijing Biden, didn’t issue a statement on his passing. Fuck ABC News.
this pisses me off..but isn't she dead yet?
is this optics?

Hillary Clinton has had more than her fair share of controversies.