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43 years in the domestic oil and gas industry, now working in risk management.
43 years in the domestic oil and gas industry, now working in risk management.
@HealthRanger Hello Mike, you're a professing man of science, so I have a question for you considering which I am reluctant to describe as, but can only consider a revelation. What's the revelation? That no human being on planet Earth can scientifically prove he is Jewish, yet million around the globe claim to be Jews.
This is science, so please consider it only in that light. It's not a moral ("Events in the course of human affairs" Greenleaf) thing at all.
And it really is the most monstrous FACT in the world today ignored everywhere I go, and with the hugest import.
So, why shouldn't I bring it up with another Christian, or is this too hot a potato?
What I mean is nobody can scientifically prove he is Jew for the simple reasons 1) most DNA science hasn't solve this problem and offered a solution, 2) there is no sample of Abraham's DNA to use for this purpose and 3) There is no documentary evidence going all the way back more than 3,000 years, so in the abstract it is impossible for every human being to scientifically or otherwise prove he is a Jew.
Did anybody notice that Above Phones' website was shut down 3 or 4 days ago, 2 days after I ordered a phone.
RE: Heart Health - Your interview with Douglas Tuman
Mike, you spoke of the "miracle" that the combination that resveratrol and nattokinase are for the heart in this interview and claimed the two could add 10 years to your life. High dose Vitamin C will keep you alive longer than either of those two since it cures the focal scurvy that is the cause of atherosclerosis. You would be extremely remiss to leave COQ10 off out of the Top 2 of your heart elixir, and magnesium is more important that either of your two, and then top it off with taurene and two other compounds I'll only tease you with, that will alleviate arrhythmia, and with the other two you can make your own product and sell it online.
Russell Blaylock's Advancin product is the best anti-inflammatory when taken with curcumin and magnesium.
You're welcome.
Are cellphone towers weapons?
I realize this is not an Alex Jones disinfo source, but now you can learn how much you don't know and then I can stop laughing at you:

Targeted Individuals Class Action Lawsuit, Latest information on Gang Stalking, electronic harassment, microwave satellites, organized stalking, Terrorist Watchlist, CIA, FBI, NSA, Directed Energy Weapons,… RE: Your interview with Josh Yoder & Airline Pilots - Too Little Too Late On Mike Adams' Part
I'm posting this hear to ridicule and make fun of you. Here ya go Mike, I posted this to Robert Barnes' locals channel on 10/10/2021. This is how you protect Americans like commercial pilots, and fight back against what Tony Fauci & Joe Biden represent!
You're intelligent enough to understand, you simply aren't smart or loving enough to do anything with that understanding:
"Marketing Survey Of Americans Supporting Airline Pilots Against mRNA Vaccines
A petition to Every Citizen In The United States Against CV19 Vaccine Mandates"
Why would they want to eliminate Alex Jones or Mike Adams if Mike and Alex work for them?
BTW, In April of 2016 I signed the American Family Association's Target Boycott petition, 7 years ago, along with more than 1 million other Christian Americans in the first 30 days!

Target's store policy endangers women and children by allowing men to frequent women's facilities.
"So, of course continue your boycott of Target. Not only should you sell all stock....Also do not shop at Target. Don't buy anything there, ever."
So, Mike is on board with a Strategic Boycott of Target. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! I just logged in here today to laugh at Mike and Fatzzts because it was 2 years ago I started belittling them both for not participating in Legal Strategic Boycotts.
Mike and Fatts appear to have missed the Disney Boycott too that started in 02/2022 and by year end cost Disney $128 billion in market cap! The total of the Bud Light, Disney, and Target Boycotts now exceed $160 Billion
Yes, I'm laughing at and ridiculing you Mike Adams! BTW, I started my own personal boycott of Disney in 1995, almost 30 years ago.
Hey Mike, "Didn't I tell you?" and "Watch and learn.". Like I wrote two years ago, Boycotts are the Legal Battlefield to maybe save the Republic.
Hey Mike, Here's a good piece of analysis for you, in spite of the fact I don't even like you and doubt your Christian profession.
"Let's see, how many billions and billions of US Taxpayer dollars did Obama and the Democrats send to Iran maybe 6 years ago, in US military cargo planes?
Democrats are DUPLICITOUS, DEMONICALLY INSANE IDIOTS? So how did 80 million Americans vote for Joe Biden? Biden almost certainly voted to send billions and billions of US Taxpayer dollars to Iran maybe 6 years ago, in US military cargo planes! Didn't Democrats in the House and Senate vote in lock-step to send that money to Iran?
CNN - "Iran is preparing to send additional weapons including ballistic missiles to Russia to use in Ukraine, western officials say"
"The dark winter has only just begun, as rigged elections prove America is lost"
Mike, that's a perfect title for you since you've NEVER DONE ONE SINGLE THING OF A LEGAL STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE NATURE! Mike Adam's Victory Slogan - "Win By Doing Nothing".
In spite of the fact I personally started formulating the plan when I began my first boycott at a stop sign in Robstown, TX in Aug, 1975 when the AM Radio announcer announced that Levi Strauss & Company came out in support of homosexuality. At 18 I knew what to do WHAT AT 55(?) YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!
Did you hear the ADL just called for a boycott of Twitter's advertisers? Even the evil folks know how to FIGHT A LEGAL WAR to destroy the United States.
Thanks for all of your help in saving the Republic. I live in Texas. If someday you see someone snickering in your direction, it may be me. I'm a Christian too.
Mike, I just finished listening to your podcast with Karen Kingston, and once again I found you so far behind me it is almost funny. And you still won't go on the Legal Strategic Offense, and are still making major capital investments in your companies, all the while talking about the impending collapse. HaHaHaHaHaHa! How much sense does that make, or haven't your considered that yet?
You think you and Alex Jones and all of your social media friends are going to save our Republic "By Talking, Informing & Doing Nothing Else"? HaHaHa. You are a classic example of a highly, highly intelligent man who doesn't have a clue about what's needed, legally and peacefully needed.
As my words fall on deaf ears, so strongly suggesting you are controlled opposition, and I'm a save Christian! Where's the "of a sound mind" part in you?
Hey Mike Adams,
Here's my question from your article linked below:
"Do not fear the collapse...." while your children starve to death and your home is foreclosed and your remaining children and you live under a cardboard box under a freeway overpass the next time the temperature goes to 20 degrees!!!! Hey Mike, should they eat grass until your Post-Collapse Nirvana arrives?
The quote from your article yesterday at NN:

An engineered global collapse is under way right now. If you're reading this, you already know the score: The coming financial collapse, engineered mass famine, vaccine bioweapons, the possibility of nuclear…
www.naturalnews.comAny of you folks figure Mike Adams out yet? HaHaHa!
Here's a great, great, great article on NN today about the coming "Dark Ages":
Its certainly in the realms of legitimate possibilities. I mean, most of Mike's articles are on the money, and he's often the first to post about a subject.
But now that the Tidal Wave of Evil Committed to Mass Murdering Americans is every where for all to see, Mike's paradigm has really pass its times. Because now should be the time for, uh, well, DOING LEGAL THINGS THAT MATTER, and for Michael to stop doing the NN-Nothing Burger like Infowars.
Hey Mike, what do we do now, LEGAL thinks of course? I've been asking you about this for over a year on and off, and the best thing I've heard from you is for all of us to buy your products.
Now that's not going to LEGALLY harm the Globalists at all!
Mike, who do you work for?

Observers can't help but notice that Jackson, Mississippi's water infrastructure collapse -- leaving 180,000 Americans with no running water -- was allowed to happen by withholding maintenance from the… Good article, tangentially touching on a subject I've written about for a very long time, Greenleaf's "Dictate of Charity Which Thinketh No Evil", probably the best source to describe what you described in this article.
So, its a given that's what is happening? So what are you proposing that all of your patrons and fans do legally to stop the Destruction Of Our Republic? Your Build Back Better After The Total Collapse Plan? HaHaHaHa! How many of your patrons will still be alive on Planet Earth if that fantasy actually manifests? Will you even be alive? HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!

Thus they rely on us to serve as our own thought police (Article republished from Here’s a post by Dr. Meryl Nass, which makes the crucial point that those intent on…
www.naturalnews.comNatural News Assessment -
The website full of articles with emotional sentiments, Fear Porn and totally absent the LEGAL STRATEGIC OFFENSE! For the umpteenth time to you clueless patrons here who still don't seem to understand that politicians and social media personalities aren't going to save your Republic, on the slight chance they even want to do that. | Independent News on Natural Health and the World
www.naturalnews.comThumb my nose at Mike Adams and PhaTz, HaHaHaHaHa!
Let's see, Larry Fink has been practicing Legal Strategic Boycotts for several years, and I'm the only conservative, Christian or patriot who even knows what they are!
Hey PhaTz, are strategic boycotts worth supporting? Not if you're a dumbed down conservative like you and Mike Adams. Larry Fink is probably as intelligent as Mike Adams and a whole lot SMARTER than Mike or You!
And I'm 47 years ahead of all of you because it was in Aug, 1975 that I started my first of several hundred boycotts, at a stop sign in Robstown, TX.
And while PhaTz and Mike do nothing to legally fight back against the Globalists and traitors, Larry Fink and his buddies at some of the biggest financial institution are practicing the Strategic Offense against Mike and PhaTz and destroying our Republic.

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comMike, In the title of your article linked below it reads near the end, "When we defeat the controllers...", referring, I guess, to the Deep State, Shadow Gov't and Globalists, you demonstrate near-Alex Jones level insanity! Why? Because neither Alex, nor you, nor in any article I've read on NN, nor anybody I've ever heard you interview, HAS EVER EVEN MENTIONED A LEGAL PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR DEFEAT!
You're like a bunch of lemmings spouting off patriotic and virtue-signaling platitudes, ALL THE TIME, while simultaneously running off the cliff of the total destruction of our American Republic!! A charitable view is all of you are simply CLUELESS. The uncharitable view is not so nice:

Understand this great cosmic truth: The universe operates on an ecosystem of automatic abundance, where mass is abundant (and free), and mass can be converted into energy at nearly zero cost (via hot fusion,…
www.naturalnews.comI watched your Infowars' podcast about informing the vaxxed. By the way Mike Adams, I proposed this very same thing 16 months ago online, as Part 1 of a Strategic Offensive Solution to the BigTech problem. Actually the target group is the Globalists. In your podcast you left out the Legal Strategic Offensive Solution part. It's the Divide & Conquer part, legally of course.
From NN - "Will Americans stand idly by and do nothing while the Biden regime destroys their country?:
Huh? That's exactly what Mike Adams and his Mini-Me Phatz have done since I joined this site last year. Phatz likes to hide under his daughters skirts.
Mike's only solution is "Build Back Better" once this massive collapse is over!
What DUPLICITY out of these Great American Warrior For Protecting Freedom once we are all dead and our Republic is destroyed! Yeah, that's a plan.
Hey Mike, are you paid in shekels?