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How did I get here?
@johndolph White parents recognize the enemy. Homeschool.
I'm tired of the speeches about "peaceful protests." I'm tired of Alex Jones censoring his speeches with non-violent rhetoric. We need a militia and we need it now. I just saw an elderly woman get trampled by a horse. Where are the dangerous men to defend our freedom? This isn't the 1960's. This is a lot bigger than a black man ordering a ham sandwich at a lunch counter or a little black girl going to school. People of all colors are being and have been MURDERED by the governments. ACTION!
The only way to end tyranny is by force.
I am sure I have bronchitis, but I guess I will never know because no doctor would examine me. I am recovering with vitamins, z-pak (God bless Dr. Wagler) and albuterol to open the lungs. (Lets not forget sudafed and Mucinex for draining the head.) I also was lucky enough to get ivermectin 2 months ago and stashed it for a rainy day. People: we need to get a stockpile of all these medications or we are going to die. Anyone who knows a reliable overseas site, let me know.
It's a hoax. The medical establishment is trying to kill us by refusing to treat the sick by claiming it is "covid." I can't prove it, but I have a feeling that the unvaccinated will be refused treatment in the same way I was. They will avoid giving us drugs we need to get well. If we don't let them kill us with the shot they will kill us by withholding lifesaving medications. These people need to be shot.
We have entered an era where everything is covid. Well let me enlighten everyone. THERE IS NO COVID. IT DOES NOT EXIST. We have the same old flu and cold viruses we have always had. We have strep, pneumonia, all of them floating around. I told those bitches in the walk in clinic they were not doctors. What kind of doctors don't treat patients? What the hell is going on? You have a tiny fragment of RNA and suddenly you have pandemic? Where's the proof? Where the isolated virus?
Some dumb shit at a medical office said to me, "Why didn't you just take the test?" Well, because, doofus, if it comes back positive I've just paid 150 bucks for nothing. Besides, it's a phony test depending on how high or low they cycle it.
Doctors are trying to kill us in a new way. They are withholding antibiotics to sick people. Maybe they discriminate against the unvaccinated. I was asked if I was vaccinated and if I wanted to be and then told I would have to take a fake test. I argued and questioned them since the CDC says they don't work but don't try to talk logic to these people. They bullied and shamed me and I fought back and told them this was tyranny. They don't care. We need to shoot them.
Now, the standard protocol for upper and lower respiratory infections is antibiotics. Many doctors here in Florida are REFUSING TO GIVE THEM. They are trying to force a phony test that gives them permission not to treat the patients. Same thing happened to my mother the next day. They gave her prednisone instead of zpak. Really? She's 74. Same thing going in Sarasota Memorial Hospital. They are venting the patients and refusing to give antibiotics.
These money grubbing bastards (who get a nice paycheck for "covid" tests turned me away! They didn't even examine me or look at my throat which has been sore for a week! I had a head full of infection and coughing and I really was sick and they refused to treat me. I called the dentist who prescribed the amoxicillin and begged her to help. I was in so much pain. Thank God she called in a zpak.
Yesterday, I went to a walk-in clinic that I have used many times before and I was REFUSED treatment until I submitted to a "Covid" test. "What's the difference?' I asked. Would the treatment be any different? The doctor said if I was "positive" I would be sent home and told to go to the hospital if I got worse. I had a sinus infection that was not responding to amoxicillin and i needed a stronger antibiotic. The infection had traveled into my lungs and I was in bad shape. I needed help.
My husband said the girl at the counter who was nice just hung her head while he tried to argue with the pharmacist. (He was way more respectful than I would have been.) "Terri" refused to make eye contact. These people KNOW what they are doing is wrong but they LOVE to have a little bit of power over us. I'm telling you, we have been SOLD OUT by the entire medical profession. They took the money for these shots and turned aside while we DIED. May Hell enlarge herself to swallow them up.
This BITCH thinks she has the right to refuse to fill a legal prescription because she doesn't agree with how it is being used. Her words. I am so sick of these doctors, nurses, pharmacists the lot of them standing in the way of people's right to medical treatments that WORK like IV vitamin C, vitamin D, Ivermectin and the like. MEDICAL FASCISM.
Our daughter has recovered because I happened to have a small amount left over from another RX for Ivermectin. She is fine. My son had to come home from school last week because he had "covid" and a fever of 102 that lasted almost a week. We gave him Ivermectin (obtained from the same pharmacy but a different pharmacist) and he was completely well in 3 days! This stuff works! They are KILLING people by refusing to give it when it is LEGALLY prescribed by a doctor!!!
This is Terri G the pharmacist at Walgreens at 15180 Tamiami, Northport Florida. We called America's Frontline Doctors 2 weeks ago and got a RX for Ivermectin. One pharmacy charged 300 dollars and was 2 hours away. Another one said they would fill it but when my husband got there this woman refused to give it to him. She had it, but said she didn't agree with how it was being used and would not give it to us. This is the medical tyranny in Florida. They have all betrayed us.
Does anyone know what happened with the EB test thingy? I turned off my phone.
@arjayem @ListenUp Sounds horrible. That's why gays do not belong in the military. DUH! We dont need our best being harrassed by some queerdo faggots. Rug munchers or poop covered dick suckers it doesn't matter. DEVIANTS ALL.
@DiamondTNT I hope your RA goes away and you feel better. I went into my first gun shop a year ago and finally got my CC in January. I have been taking lessons from a retired police chief. My DH grew up in the country with bb guns LOL! We don't know anyone else who hasn't been vaccinated. We have church at home. We watch sermons and read together. I love Jesus and I'm scared to death. I am trying not to be a coward but I don't know what to make of all this. Soldiers at my door?
@DiamondTNT Thanks and blessings to you! I'm a 52 year old Mom with 2 in college and one still at home. I have home-schooled for the past 13 years. Glad I listened to that call. It was tough for awhile, but they are great kids! We live in sleepy Venice. None of us are vaxxed but husband is under much pressure from his job. We don't know what will happen. Keep hoping to wake up from this nightmare...The vax is death. I can't prep fast enough. I worry about everything. Lord Jesus help!
@DiamondTNT We are doing our best to learn our 2A skills how to survive also. We are new to all of this but we are with you. Don't dismiss us because we are not military and live on the coast! We have spent the last year doing what we can and learning many new skills. Many patriots are not able to move or plant gardens but we will do whatever we can to fight the tyranny that is happening. God bless you and keep you and yours safe.