The Devil is a Liar
John 8:44
SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses

So let’s get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths due entirely to the China coronavirus? We were first…
If anyone did any research they would know covid doesn't exist!! People post these but never post the testing that proved covid does exist!! Becaues it doesn't
@GlobalistsAreEvil You can’t prove it exists because the tests are faulty. They label anything like a cold or the flu or any upper respiratory problem as positive for Covid. How can you positively identify something you’ve NEVER been able to isolate? They admit they’ve never been able to isolate‘Covid’. This crap makes me crazy. Until we tell the truth about it we’ll never end this nightmare. I understand why the terminology is used but it doesn’t make me feel any better about it.