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Catholic Husband & Father, Constitution Party of Florida member.
Credo in Deum, Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terræ, et in Iesum Christum Filium eius unicum Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine....
Catholic Husband & Father, Constitution Party of Florida member.
Credo in Deum, Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terræ, et in Iesum Christum Filium eius unicum Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine....
Republican party's missed opportunity:

👀👇Governor DeSantis responds to the ACLU's complaints about the legislation he signed allowing chaplains in schools: "When the chaplains come to campus, the parents have to consent ... So it's purely…"Tropes" I am gathering are what we used to call a "stereotype". Stereotypes are earned. A stereotype is only offensive to a group of people because there is truth in the stereotype, AND the stereotype in question happens to reflect negatively on the demographic in question. Like, no German is offended if one was to suggest: "The highways are really clean with no trash along the fencerows in this rural area, there must be a lot of Germans around here." No one of German descent would cry because you were calling them clean and orderly.
You might be offended, driving through a largely German rural area, however, if you overhear the old German farmer telling his young son [using racial slurs], "Get you butt out there and pick up the trash you just threw out the car window! We don't want our neighborhood looking like the inner city slums!" You might call the old German farmer a racist bigot....
My point is that Ben Shapiro should work harder at dispelling the "antisemitic" stereotypes if he is truly offended by them instead of demonstrating why people have those stereotyoes begin with by showing his true colors. Ben Shapiro's (and others' like him) behavior is more antisemitic than most admitted anti-semites.
Question: Who chose Mary, the mother of our Savior as His beloved spouse?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
Think twice before trash-talking our Blessed Mother, as her Spouse - and the father of her Son our Savior - is the Holy Spirit. That borders on blasphemy. God is a jealous God.
One quick way to anger a real man, is to talk shit about his wife. That you set up via convid in 20 that’s pernament

Watch and share this epic speech!
NewsWars@Jleimer ....on a related note, when asked if a man could become a woman he refused to directly answer with the truth.
When the FBI said there is no proof of arson with these fires is a load of crap!!
The news is saying that ALL of the fires were started by lightning!?
& Guess what these fires did......stopped all the riots & protest.
Seriously if you though 2020 was insane wait till 2021!!
Better Arm up now because the beast is will require obedience or be arrested/killed!!
Everything is contrived. Everything is engineered. Mainstream news is 100% fake.
This is Biblical. Everything you are talking about is connected. The corruption that is being exposed will win many souls away from Lucifer for Christ. The timr to choose between Good & Evil is now. Time is short.