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The catastrophic Helene events and subsequent mass flooding should be a reminder to everyone that you can almost instantly lose: 1) The power grid. 2) Cell towers. 3) Food supplies. 4) Fresh water. 5) Fuel / gasoline. 6) Any supplies you have held in one place. This is a stark reminder to all of us to BE PREPARED for what's coming. The next few months will be far, far worse than Helene. More like Hell.
RE: The massive fire event at BioLab, Inc., BioLab is a division of KIK Consumer Products. They make pool cleaning chemicals. The current news claims that a "sprinkler head malfunction" caused the fire because somehow -- seemingly unbelievably -- someone mixed "water-reactive" chemicals into the water that was fed into the sprinkler system. When that chemical mixed with water, it set off the fire. Are they talking about the fire-suppressing sprinkler system? If so, this story is unbelievable, because sprinkler systems have their own isolated water piping systems which are constantly under pressure and connected directly to large water sources, either on-site water storage or large-diameter municipal water pipes. The mixing of water-reactive chemicals with sprinkler water would almost certainly have to be INTENTIONAL. I'm going to put this in the category of "sabotage" unless contradictory facts emerge.
I am very sympathetic to those slammed by Helene, and I pray for their safety and recovery. At the same time, how is it that in 2024, people who live in the paths of hurricanes STILL DON'T HAVE FOOD SUPPLIES? Not even for a few days? No water supplies? No backup fuel? That seems incredibly ill-prepared given the state of our world today. I pray for these people, but I also pray that more people would have the sense to practice some basic level of preparedness. I will always help those in need, but we also need people to stop living under the delusion that nothing will ever go wrong and that food, water, fuel, comms, medicine, banks, etc., will NEVER have disruptions. S##t happens. Repeatedly. Prepare for it. Expect it.
BREAKING INTERVIEW: Ivan Raiklin predicts Elon Musk will release "The Mother of All Twitter Files" soon, revealing shocking truths to the world
- Legal Mechanisms for Twitter to Release Evidence of Criminal Collusion
- Categories of Information and Potential Releases of Twitter Files
- Timing of Release and Political Impact
- Mark Zuckerberg's Admission and Legal Risks to Meta
- Trump's Chances and Election Interference by Dems
- Public Pressure and Elon Musk's Decision
- Call to Action for Saving America at the Ballot Box
In my opinion, anyone still voting for Kamala is one or more of the following:
1) Brain damaged by vaccines.
2) Brainwashed and indoctrinated by a university.
3) Living in a self-reinforced bubble of corporate media propaganda and lies.
4) Living in self-loathing and hatred of humanity and life.
5) Satanic-influenced or infested individuals actively seeking to destroy God's creations on Earth.
Some people, notably, qualify for multiple choice answers.
You probably heard that Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
But on a per-capita basis, that's probably only a day or two PER CHILD she raped or allowed to be raped by Epstein and all the globalist clients he served them up to.
So actually, on the punishment-per-rape scale, she get off easy. Never forget that. And we'll NEVER get the client list, of course, because it's a list of all the most powerful people in society.
Finally, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
#Ukraine keeps WINNING by retreating from city after city, for a "tactical advantage," they say. This is an amazing new war tactic that has never been seen before! In just the last 2 days, Ukraine has now "won" by fleeing Severodonetsk, which is now 100% occupied by Russian military troops.
Ukraine says they are retreating to "higher ground" in order to "regroup."
Before long, Ukraine will win so much, there will be no territory left to give to the Russians.

Fall of city after weeks of street fighting transforms the battlefield in the east of Ukraine to Moscow’s advantage.
www.aljazeera.comAnother trucker just reported to me, massive military convoy spotted in Minnesota, consisting of mlitary humvees and what they described as "tactical weaponry" along with many troop transports, all moving on the highway. Interesting.... this is close to the Canadian border... is China planning on making a move against us during the abortion protest chaos? Just brainstorming... but troop MOVEMENTS are being confirmed and observed across the USA today. Likely readying for the violent protests...
Three years ago, people mocked me for buying old John Deere tractors that didn't need complex electronics to run.
Two years ago, people mocked me for buying physical gold and silver instead of crypto and stocks.
One year ago, people mocked me for stockpiling thousands of gallons of diesel fuel.
Now I am sitting on diesel and gold, with the ability to grow crops and run tractor-powered generators.
It turns out that prepping works. Imagine that...
Learn how:
New interview: David DuByne and Mike Adams discuss mass cattle deaths and global crop failures
- DuByne talks about the weakening of the MAGNETOSPHERE
- How it allows solar radiation to penetrate to Earth's surface and kill animals
ABOUT THOSE DEAD CATTLE: I called one of my friends who owns several hundred head of cattle.
"I doubt it very seriously that so many would drop dead all at the same time," he told me. "In a heat-related incident, they wouldn't all drop dead at the same time. You would see a few dead at a time, scattered across the herd, but not so many deaths all at once."
When I asked him if he thinks these are natural deaths or something more like sabotage, he said, "I'm thinking it's something nefarious."
Third hour of my hosting the Alex Jones Show yesterday, featuring Dr. Jane Ruby, plus more live microscopy examinations of "nanowires" and biostructures of the bizarre clots that are killing people, usually after they've been vaccinated. Dr. Ruby provides new analysis as we attempt to explain what these "clots" really are, how they are growing in the body. Dr. Ruby says they are "self-assembling" structures.
June 13, 2022 - EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of fibrous clots extracted from those who “suddenly died”
- Shocking microscopy photos of the "biostructures" coming out of the bodies of the dead.
- These are not BLOOD clots, they are biostructure tissue of some kind.
- As they grow, they block arteries and blood vessels and are killing some people
Could not reveal this at first, but now I can reveal the source of the strange "clots" that I have been featuring in the microscopy photos. Dr. Jane Ruby is the primary person deserving credit for getting these to me via Richard Hirschman, a licensed embalmer. He has many videos documenting flushing these biostructures out of people's arteries and blood vessels during embalming. More coverage to come today via the broadcast and stories this week.
BLOOD CLOT microscopy photo at 1500X, I took this myself on my lab microscope today. This is extremely zoomed in on what appears to be a biocircuitry structure protruding from a post-vaccine clot extracted from a "suddenly died" victim. Notice the tiny repeating nanowires along the top of the structure. Looks like a circuitry interface. You will see more pictures of this structure when I publish the full set tonight at
Situation Update, May 25, 2022 - America's left-wing culture of DEATH and self-mutilation is a FACTORY for mass shooters
- The political LEFT in America pushes mass murder of children via #abortion
- They tell children to mutilate themselves in the name of transgenderism
- They teach the young that life has no value, and that God doesn't exist
- Then they act shocked and horrified when those children become mass murderers
Notice how most of the radical leftists shrieking about Roe vs. Wade already live in states which will happily become child murder sanctuaries? They're not angry about themselves losing access to abortions, they're angry that somebody SOMEWHERE ELSE might reject abortions.
They want child murder factories to be operational everywhere, not just in their own twisted, demonic left-wing cities. They are #abortion tyrants, of course, who can't stand any form of dissent that might avert an abortion..
It's amazing to watch oblivious Americans who now realize they were TRICKED by PCR tests, and vaccines and media lies over covid, suddenly jump all-in to believe the media's false narratives about Russia and Ukraine.
They are endless SUCKERS for propaganda, emotional manipulation, fear programming and journo-terrorism. They utterly lack rationality yet think they are high-IQ individuals. In truth, they're nothing but weaponized emotional sheeple who are ordered to HATE or FEAR the next "thing."
Is anybody else tired of hearing that Joe Rogan is the only voice that matters? For the record, there are MILLIONS of voices that deserve to be heard. We need to support the decentralization of voices / podcasts / videos, which is why I built in the first place, to support a MULTITUDE of voices and not just concentrate attention into ONE voice. Rumbles $100 million offer to Rogan is an embarrassment. What about all the OTHER amazing people who speak the truth?
Thanks for all the words of support today. Aside from my voice not being usable right now, I'm doing fine. No emergency. The ivermectin worked like a charm, and I've been using chlorine dioxide as well as a number of herbs. Seems to have done the trick. Now I just need to wait for my voice to recover so I can resume the podcasts. Thank you for your prayers! But seriously, I'm not in any danger zone or anything. More like an "annoyance" zone.