I'm a family physician by training with experience doing medical missions abroad as well as an interest in homesteading, preparedness and self-sufficiency. Now I'm on a mission to help people navigate the Great Reset.
A doctor (MD, PhD) whose own daughter died of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination has authored a JAMA article denouncing physicians promoting COVID-19 "misinformation", particularly regarding the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines. Shockingly, she is calling for the censorship and discipline of her colleagues who probably could have saved her own daughter if she had listened to them. Her study concludes: "Further research is needed to assess the extent of the potential harms associated with physician propagation of misinformation, the motivations for these behaviors, and potential legal and professional recourse to improve accountability for misinformation propagation." (Goff 2023) https://merylnass.substack.com/p/a-tragedy-begets-more-tragedy-wisdom?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=746368&post_id=136377671&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

If I were writing 100 years ago the title of this story would be "Repent"
Medical industry is responsible for at least 1 million deaths every year and most of them would rather keep their lifestyle rather than stop killing people.
She can't allow herself to see that she helped murder her own daughter because she is a lousy doctor and didn't do her research.
She will pursue this until one day she will see it and will probably kill herself.
So sad.