I'm a family physician by training with experience doing medical missions abroad as well as an interest in homesteading, preparedness and self-sufficiency. Now I'm on a mission to help people navigate the Great Reset.
Does anyone else find it odd that the U.S. mint is producing a new coin in conjunction with the Royal Mint featuring both Lady Liberty and Britannia in a Yin-Yang configuration (i.e. Chinese symbolism)? I didn't think sovereign nations were supposed to do that. Isn't this a bit like flying two flags at the same height (or worse)?
Here's an article from the US mint about this coin: https://www.usmint.gov/news/press-releases/united-states-mint-releases-2024-liberty-britannia-program-products
The U.S. Mint will begin accepting pre-orders for products in the 2024 Liberty & Britannia Program on February 8, 2024, at noon EST.
www.usmint.govCome to think of it, even Lady Liberty looks Chinese on this new coin.