I'm a family physician by training with experience doing medical missions abroad as well as an interest in homesteading, preparedness and self-sufficiency. Now I'm on a mission to help people navigate the Great Reset.
I just watched Mike Adams' interview with Kim Yeader here: https://www.brighteon.com/aab025b6-dc30-4a12-a02b-d79b457ad89c
Kim Yeader has been working to stop illegal immigration. However, she brings up the humanitarian concern for people who are seeking refugee status and have something to contribute to society, such as the young Venezuelan man she had dinner with recently. Mike Adams' responded that he could return to his home country and apply for US citizenship from there. Mrs. Yeader responded "But he can't go home" or there's a good chance he would be killed.
Upon reflection, I want to share an idea that I believe God has laid on my heart for how to deal with the illegal immigrants already in this country (while working to close the border). You know how the space occupied by an embassy is considered "foreign soil"? What if we took all these FEMA camps that are supposedly for American dissidents and temporarily leased them, in whole or part, to the embassies of all the countries we have illegal immigrants from? Then illegal immigrants could "return to their countries" by going to these embassies where they could apply for asylum. If they have no criminal records and aren't covered in MS13 tattoos, they could go through an expedited citizenship application process, spend all day studying English and non-woke American history and government. By the time they came out they just might vote Republican. Plus, these countries would pay us to lease these facilities instead of us having to pay to maintain them.