I'm a family physician by training with experience doing medical missions abroad as well as an interest in homesteading, preparedness and self-sufficiency. Now I'm on a mission to help people navigate the Great Reset.
Coronal Mass Ejections from two solar flares are headed towards Earth, impact expected tonight and tomorrow. The first is from an X7 class solar flare, the second is an X9. Ben Davidson at Suspicious Observers associates these flares with the following probabilities of disruptions (though I don't know how he calculated these figures):
"Low Latitude Aurora: 99%
Network Outages: 60%
Grid Outages/ Damage: 25%
Kill Shot EMP: 5%"
This information is from his video posted yesterday entitled "X9 and X7 Solar Flares - Earth Impacts Coming"
For comparison, the solar flare that caused low latitude auroras in May was an X5.8. I suggest everyone reading this prioritize any last minute preps today. Putting a few electronics, such as flashlights and radios, in a Faraday cage might also be a good idea. Hopefully there are no major disruptions. But if there are you'll be glad you did.