Patriot. Constitutionalist.
Sick of the lies, I've had enough!
The Bee, hitting it out of the park!

BOSTON, MA — In a speech today, President Biden vowed to rid America of cancer. Then, at the close of his speech, he immediately kept his promise and tendered his resignation.
babylonbee.comIf true, this is exceptionally good news. This may be the only time he kept his word. Now all that is needed is for justice and divine law to prevail, and the rest of the imposters and thieves of your freedoms and rights to get what is due to them and be legally removed and deposed. Rest assured that regardless of the blind anger, moral and ethical arrogance, and ignorance, evil deeds, lies, deceptions, and vulgar intentions of the radical, treasonous, criminal far left, divine law and the will of God always prevails. There is no escaping this fact. The days of the evil world agenda of the elite treasonous intruders, puppets and invaders are numbered.