Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Situation Update, Feb 7, 2023 - Earthquakes, survival and ending human suffering
- Natural News announces large food donation for (mostly) hungry Americans
- Globalists pushing bugs while claiming EGGS are bad for you
- Are nations covering up vaccine deaths like they're lying about jobs numbers?
- WHO pushing extreme censorship of anyone who tells the truth
- Fake meat industry is collapsing: Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat both going down
- In Austin, hundreds of local residents fight over dumpster food thrown out by grocery store
- Massive earthquake in Turkey, thousands of buildings destroyed, thousands of deaths
- We can't control many disasters, but largest source of human suffering is bad government
- Demonic Grammy's performance sponsored by Pfizer
- Spike protein found to cause ACCELERATED aging
- Another vector of depopulation
@HealthRanger .,WHY were the People in the Video not Falling? Why Were the Buildings Collapsing but there Appeared to be No "Quaking " !! ?? Omg
@HealthRanger Couldn’t make it through without attacking Beyond huh? I’ve had a carnivore literally wrestle a Beyond Italian sausage sandwich out of my hands after I gave them a bite. If it tastes bad to you it’s because your taste buds are burned out from sugar, salt and oils. As far as GMO’s last year the soybean in America became exempt from being labeled gmo, and I heard that on a Texas radio station. So the cows you eat are eating gmo. The Texas class 8 trucking company stock price has fallen WAY more than Beyonds. I owned them both. Hyliion is around $3 a share now. So basically your entire narrative is moot. I’ll take Beyond meat over disgusting road kill any day. When you can make beer, spirits or wine from animals I’ll be impressed. They already make impressive meat like product from plants.
@HealthRanger @PaulRevere
“Then in November, a Bloomberg report found mold and unsanitary conditions at one of the company's production facilities, as well as internal documents showing that Beyond Meat products tested positive for a pathogenic bacteria called listeria 11 different times.” Illuminate Labs
Expeller pressed Canola oil and natural flavors may not actually be that healthy! Canola is generally a genetically modified rapeseed plant! It’s not listed as organic! Sometimes natural flavors have been derived from fetal cells lines!
If people want to eat non-meat meat products more power to them! I’ve done it occasionally and it’s been OK, but people shouldn’t be forced to eat them to please the powers that be that claim to be trying to save the planet! My opinion!