"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." – George Orwell
Member since Sep 2020
If the mandates are simply dropped today without calling out the underlying legal and ethical fallacy that was used to justify them, government overreach will have become normalized. We will be left without the legal protections to stop them from doing this to us again after the truckers go home.
All it will take to put us back in a cage is for the government to point at the next wave, the next virus variant, or the next non-Covid emergency: https://humansbefree.com/2022/02/ending-mandates-does-not-strip-government-of-the-ability-to-do-this-again.html

Ending Mandates Does NOT Strip Government of the Ability to Do This Again
Ending Mandates Does NOT Strip Government of the Ability to Do This Again
Humans Be Free