Hymn Revival is focused on encouraging, empowering, and waking up the remnant saints of God with the Truth through The Word, Quotes, Dreams, Visions, Revelation, Prophecy, Songs, Videos, and Spiritual Warfare. Sharing the Truth & Love of Jesus Christ with all who will listen.
Dwight L. Moody 1837-1899
“Are you in tribulation? Are you in trouble? Are you in sorrow? Remember this is our lot. Paul had tribulation, and others shared in grief. Nor shall we be exempt from trial. But within, peace may reign undisturbed. If sorrow is our lot, peace is our legacy. Jesus gives peace; and do you know there is a good deal of difference between His peace and
our peace? Any one can disturb our peace, but they can't disturb His peace. That is the kind of peace He has left us. Nothing can offend those who trust in Christ.”