Born and raised in Louisiana, mostly the Deep South. A registered nurse for decades. Presently living in NE Texas in the middle of nowhere which I love most of the time. Interested in almost everything and everyone. Absolutely love animals.
I’ve actually been a member since 2018, I just changed my name which reset my timeline.
(FEMA) For EVERY Migrant Alien!!! NOT Americans
FEMA Announces Non-Citizen Aliens Will be GRANTED Disaster ASSISTANCE!!!

As Americans suffer through the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, and communities in North Carolina continue to search for over 200 missing loved ones lost in flooding, there is a glimmer of hope…
The Gateway Pundit@RedWill They’re pushing until they get what they want. I don’t think it’s a civil war but a revolution.
@RedWill No, they want a chance to call for another lockdown to shut down the election, to arrest as many people as possible as a method of intimidation as they did on J6. They have the military while we only have ourselves. While we outnumber them greatly they’ve got the weaponry to take us out from a distance. Sadly I now think that the military and the police will do whatever they’re told to do. Our government is afraid of normal Americans because they’re not normal. They’re afraid of reprisal from us. I wish I could say that they should be but I can’t. Nobody has our backs.