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This is part 2 of a post that I wrote in response to a piece I watched on, it was "More Deadly Than War by G Edward Griffin" from 1969 speaking on Communism.
Watts 1965, the troubles in Chicago, and Detroit during the 68 primary's, then in 1969 there was the Weather Underground, (the Weathermen). They admitted that at least 25 million Americans would not be re-trainable, and would have to be killed. Then of course there was 4 dead in Ohio Kent State University National Guard shooting students, Fast forward to 1992 and the Rodney King Riots In LA, Fast forward again, to present day. George Floyed, and BLM burning down large swaths of cities, de-fund the police, and the hits just keep playing. None of this happened in a vacuum, it is part of the take down of the Republic, and we haven't stopped it. We just keep electing A-Holes thinking some one is going to fix this. Elections are not going to fix this. I WILL NOT COMPLY, that is how we fix it. Be Loud, be Proud, Be AMERICAN. Pull out your Constitution, and learn it, and yes that means me to. Then live by it, learn how to separate your self from Corporate DC. Learn what it means to be an American, not a US Citizen, there really is a difference, it matters a lot. This is Mission Impossible, and if we fail, we will likely lose our lives, NO that's not hyperbole. There is no time left, choose, and do it quick, your families are counting on you. If you think I'm nuts just go back to sleep, this wasn't for you.
These are some of my thoughts after watching an excellent posting on, the piece was "More Deadly Than War-Edward G Griffin)
I could write a chapter if not a book on what I have witnessed since Apr. 3rd 1969. That was 8 days before my 16th birthday, and I was taking an interest in thing even back then. Listening to Mr. Griffin today April 17th 2024, just 6days after my 71st birthday, I am almost shaking with a mixture of both apprehension, and rage.I am sure some will say, but it didn't happen, or things are bad but not "that" bad. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind, or my heart, that we are there. It has taken these many years, many close calls, but the time is upon us. Up until now we have mostly kept our heads down, tried to simply live our lives, yet here it is right on our door step.We have failed to heed the warnings.
@HealthRanger Hey, everyone COVER MIKE WITH PRAYER
@DiamondTNT If you get to talk to Trump, please ask him to stop promoting the Vaxx, as it is killing Americans. I caught his interview with Maria Bartiromo, he was saying how safe it is, and encouraged people who voted for him to get the jab. I'm thinking his job was to keep patriots quiet, that way they wouldn't start a revolution. Now the NWO is in place, it no longer matters.
A country under occupation is a Banana Republic. To take back our Republic we must:
1- Get rid of programmable voting machines.
2- Get rid of “Mail in Ballots”.
3- Institute Voter ID.
These 3 things must be done in every State or we will never win another election and our country will remain under occupation.
If being under occupation doesn’t scare you into action than you are brainwashed and our Republic is lost @HealthRanger
I went to MonkeyWerxUS to see the interview, but I had to turn it off. Monkey was talking to some young fellow about the Coup, this guy worked in the White House. He was just one more Dufus, talking about fighting a war with lawyers. Exactly how STUPID is that? Add how is it working for you now? Long Rangers and Spec Ops, that is what was needed. Oh well too little too late, this is going to get bad.
You might want to check out "Bards FM", they have a free PDF download of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. I know Mike wont mind me plugging Bards FM, as I know Mike and Scott are online friends and keep in touch. Patriots, we stick together, we win. Should we fracture, we are screwed.
I hope people will learn the difference between the Republic, and the Corporation. This is how we understand the truth of what is going on. I have known about this for many years, but I never thought Trump would use it. It is physically legit, as well as spiritually legit. Learn the difference between 1776 and 1871. Study at, God is Government .com
@HeathRanger, you need to check out Scott Kestersons' evening show tonight. Important info. hope you have time after your call with the General and company. I believe it is on the Bards of War FM show at 18:00 PST it details likely plan. You know Scott, worth while info from him.