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Salty Christian and America-first patriot
Come and Take It
YHVH Shalom
True Israel / Hebrew Roots
Salty Christian and America-first patriot
Come and Take It
YHVH Shalom
True Israel / Hebrew Roots
Settlement of Denmark Continues (from CH 3 of More Than Free)
Ancient Denmark was beyond the reach of most human’s migrating, but it was Dan’s natural home. The tribe came in the early waves of emigrants from Egypt, the Trojan wars and other hostilities on the Grecian coast, Cyprus and the Aegean in general. Those that had already decided there was no hope for the Aegean or Phoenicia took up boats to sail to and settle along the coastlines of the North sea.
Excerpt from CH 3 of More Than Free
In 1479 BC in the first recorded battle in history, Egypt attacked north into Canaan and took Megiddo from the Canaanite inhabitants. They had not encountered resistance, and attacked Megiddo mercilessly believing they had destroyed a major stronghold of the Canaanites.
The battle over Megiddo is known as Armageddon, the location where the final battle would be waged over good and evil. The Egyptians unwittingly had helped the Israelites by defeating the heavily fortified Canaanite city, but they didn’t stay or occupy Megiddo after destroying and burning it. Megiddo laid in ruins for 200 years until it was later developed by King David as a chariot city.
Excerpt from CH 3 of More Than Free - The Land Allotments of Israel
The armies of Manasseh were fundamental to the conquest, and their highest level of blessings combined gave them land for their herds and their farms. These people weren’t the wine producers, but instead were the grain producers and early livestock ranchers on the plains of Gilead. Manasseh received the largest of the allotments, one on each side of the Jordan River.
The Conquest of Canaan; excerpt from More Than Free
After the Israelite army captured several towns in southern Canaan, the king Jahin of Hazor called on several other northern Canaan kings to fight against the Israelite army at the waters of Merom. The Israelites smashed the Canaanite army at Merom. The Israelites then pursued the Canaanites north to the valley of Mizpeh beyond Tyre and Sidon, where they give up the chase. The Israelite army turned back to Hazor and burned it.
Giants in the Land of Canaan (from CH 3 of More Than Free)
There were still pockets of the Geber left in the land where they had not long ago been plentiful. They had been the Anakims, Emims and Zamzum-mims. They came across the ruins of the once mighty nations of giants of the Avims and the Caphtorims. Og was the king of Bashan whose people were the remaining Geber, the giants, and God wanted them all destroyed. Og was 15 feet tall, and it is said he slept in a bed of iron. The land that he ruled was part of Mount Gilead by the river Arnon, and after their defeat and total destruction at the Battle of Edrei by the hand of Joshua, this land was possessed by the Tribes of Reuben and Gad.
Excerpt from the Simeonite Rebellion story in CH 3 of More Than Free: Exposing the Lies Hidden in History...
Collectively the mixed group of rebel Israelites were known as Goídels, and then later as Gaels. For over 300 years the Goídels lived as itinerant farmers, and they moved in their carts when they were looking for fresh land to farm or fresh grass for their livestock to graze. Sometimes it was easier to move than go to war, so they moved.
Please go to Amazon or and buy this book. It is chocked full of the real history of our people that will open your eyes to the truth and the lies hidden in history. I guarantee you won't regret having the truth on your side in these times of trouble. God Bless...
I will continue weekly to post excerpts and illustrations from More Than Free: Exposing the Lies Hidden in History.
Simeonite Rebels Migrate Into Europe
In the fall of 1547 BC, the Simeonite rebels found a place to cross west over the Don River and worked their way west and south towards the Scythian peninsula on the north coast of the Black Sea. None of the land they had crossed so far satisfied their search for farmland like they had in Egypt. Perhaps Scythia would be perfect for them. On the road, they had a few interactions with armed bandits who picked at the back end of their procession, but they were well-armed with bronze and iron swords, wooden shields, axes and other farm tools, and 500 archers. The entire journey to the north coast of the Black Sea from Sinai took eight months. Over 2000 souls perished on this difficult journey, mostly the elderly and crippled.
The Israelites traveled in a specific order, and their camps were set up in the same formation when they were not on the march. They organized into four brigades of three tribes each, and the brigades formed on the 4 cardinal directions on the east, west, south and north. Each of the four brigades flew a standard to establish order within the people.
Moses and Aaron were instructed by God to camp up against the western shore of the Red Sea at Pi-hahiroth where it would appear to Pharaoh that they were trapped. Then God instructed Moses to part the Red Sea with his staff, and a strong east wind blew all night, and by morning there was a clear path on dry ground, and water stood piled up on the right and the left as the people crossed the Red Sea. It was much more than just wind, it was the breath of God, the ruach. Then God instructed Moses to take the people across on dry ground (Exodus 14:21).
God instructed Moses and Aaron that on this day each family among the Israelite people were to kill a lamb and place its blood on the door post of their residence. He called this day the Lord’s Passover. The death angel passed through the night over Egypt and killed the first born of every species that did not have the blood of the lamb on the door posts (Exodus 12:12).
Pharaoh was awakened in the night from the loud screams across the countryside of Egypt, including his own household. For there were dead in every Egyptian household. Pharaoh sent messengers to Moses and Aaron in the middle of the night, and told them to take their flocks and leave Egypt forever.
Moses was born during this tragic time, and his mother, a Levite, fearful of her son being murdered, placed the child in a pitched basket, and hid it among the reeds alongside the Nile River at Giza where she was a servant of the Pharaoh’s wife. Pharaoh’s daughter found and raised the boy. Moses grew into a fine young man at 15 years old, and he began to watch and make reports for the Pharaoh for his many construction projects. One day Moses saw an Egyptian guard whipping 2 Israelite slaves in the brick yards. Moses looked to see if anyone was watching, then he killed the Egyptian with the edge of his sword and buried the body in the sand.
By 1650 BC, tens of thousands of Israelites were already spread out over the known world. The adventuresome Danites had already been exploring and settling the Mediterranean and the other seas of Europe for over 100 years. Danites had been transplanted and settled into Dan Merch (Denmark) for at least 100 years. The Zarahites had been exploring and searching for new places to settle their large family and form kingdoms for at least 50 years. The Israelites inside Egypt had long ago been mostly cut off from the Danites and Zarahites that were spending their time exploring the known world.
@DiamondTNT @seriously
How did Obama go from no one to POTUS ? He had BIG HELP from the KING MAKERS !!!!
The election of a liberal Jesuit to the papacy thrilled Democrats in the United States, whose unholy alliance with the Catholic left goes back many decades. Barack Obama, one of the pope’s most prominent supporters, has long been a beneficiary of that alliance. The faculty at Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., ranked as one of the top donors to his campaign.
In a grim irony, Obama, whose presidency substantially eroded religious freedom in America, rose to power not in spite of the Catholic Church but because of it. The archdiocese of Chicago helped bankroll his radicalism in the 1980s. As he recounts in his memoirs, he began his work as a community organizer in the rectory rooms of Holy Rosary parish on Chicago’s South Side.
The election of a liberal Jesuit to the papacy thrilled Democrats in the United States, whose unholy alliance with the Catholic left goes back many decades. Barack Obama, one of the pope’s most prominent…
The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsJust after 1700 BC, Odon and dozens of warriors traveled in boats across the northern route and into North America, and are believed to be the first to arrive on the continent from Europe. They sailed the northern arctic route past Iceland, Greenland, and the far northeastern reaches of the continent of America, and up the large rivers into Lake Superior. The Norsemen were used to traveling on either open water or up shallow rivers, and employed rowing their boats upstream in rivers or against the wind on open water.
From CH 2 of More Than Free. Please visit and buy the book.
Ancient Dan-ish Construction
The post and beam construction took many forms in the early days but many centuries later evolved to four rows of posts creating three rows of sheltered space within the structure. Widely available reeds and grasses were used universally as waterproof roofing on a gable roof configuration.
First Dan-ish Settlers
Wooden homes were soon built as the land had beautiful forests of hickory, ash, oak and other hardwoods in abundance. Simple structures were first constructed as quarters for both humans and beasts in the winter, but this soon led to the development of the three-row longhouse, one half for living quarters and the other for care of the sheep and cattle.
Buy the book More Than Free
CH 2 Danites settle in Ancient Denmark
By fall, work was already well underway to construct sod and wooden shelters from the rich hardwood forests adjacent to the coastlines. They settled first in the channels of the Limfjorden. How the few local tribesmen made their winter shelters was studied carefully by the Danite settlers, and while their own technology was generally superior, they incorporated sod-techniques unnecessary for building in Egypt.
SUMMARY FROM CH 2 - More Than Free: Exposing the Lies Hidden in History
The book is 4000 years of the real history of the lost tribes of Israel...
BUY THE BOOK AT: Amazon or visit the website
The Danite Odon sailed to Danne Merch in about 1712 BC with many boats and settlers, and with the intention of staying. The homesteaders brought their families, metal tools and weapons, seed grain, fishing nets, and sheep. The purity of his Danite bloodline was established, and he shortly established himself chief of the Norse in the new, free Danite homeland in the lush green forests and rich uplands of Danne Merch. Like most of the Danites, Odon was an accomplished sailor, builder, and warrior.
The wisdom of the Zarahites was well known and the knowledge of these great men was passed down through the centuries (I Kings 4:31). The sons of Mahol, the chief of the Zarahites, were Calco, Darda (Dardanus), Heremon and Heber founded great cities and kingdoms:
- Calco founded Athens in 1700 BC.
- His brother, Darda, founded Troy in 1700 BC.
- Miletus founded by the brothers Heremon and Heber in 1698 BC