I use brighteon as a backup for Gab.com(@Kragok). I am only on these two platforms. I support pro freedom tech.
Full savage f*ck Trump mode. He said we would never be a communist country...and here we are.
Almost every major campaign promise broken. We are still in wars, We have a vaccine he pushed himself. Obamacare...I can go on.
I thought he might mean well but I was gonna wait and see. Well at this point I'm willing to call it, seeing as he has conceded.
Trumps 4 years was full of gas lighting, empty victories, and culminated with a full in your face troops on the ground commie takeover of D.C.
@Kragok just because you cant see the bigger picture doesnt mean its not there. He will be back after the military cleans house. Technically we have until march 4
@CheezLouise Every sign is pointing in the opposite direction. Including Trump himself.
@Kragok shoulda saved that one for a few more days...its gonna backfire. Have you learned nothing?