Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance.
I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between.
Still trust your "health officials?"
Go to nih.gov.
Type in Ivermectin and cancer.
Better be seated.
I recently saw these instructions in the following meme, and I tried it for myself.
Stunningly, I found page after page containing listing after listing praising Ivermectin as an excellent, human anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and as a promising treatment for MANY different forms of cancer, with anti-tumor characteristics.
I invite you to try this out for yourself.