I am the blessed mother of six, Nana of three, and married to my best friend since 1986. I love science and history, homeschooled our children through high school graduation, and taught in a home school hybrid academy for 19 years. I practiced Physical Therapy for several years before home schooling and have since earned an M.Ed. from Liberty University. I'm looking to my Father God to direct my steps going forward as He has done in the past. Soli Deo Gloria!
I am the blessed mother of six, Nana of three, and married to my best friend since 1986. I love science and history, homeschooled our children through high school graduation, and taught in a home school hybrid academy for 19 years. I practiced Physical Therapy for several years before home schooling and have since earned an M.Ed. from Liberty University. I'm looking to my Father God to direct my steps going forward as He has done in the past. Soli Deo Gloria!