Totus tuus. Ret'd. Netiquette. NO profanity, No SALES; Blocked: porn, bias against Jews, Catholics, and Blacks. God made us all.
Col. 3:5-10. Live God's Commandments; become like Him. Rid yourselves of "anger, wrath, malice, slander & obscene speech".
Looks like the double-audio problem is more wide-spread, afflicting FireFox and PaleMoon. That it, this news clip is afflicted, too.
The same news clip on youtube doesn't have the problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGJQZAZ0OnQ
DeSantis Issues ANOTHER CRUSHING BLOW to Disney after New CEO Begs for Forgiveness
Let us pray this 'bug' can be worked out, too. Related housekeeping: since Brave is phasing out Win7 updates I've stopped using it and thus did not test its potential audio problem. Have a good day.