Totus tuus. Ret'd. Netiquette. NO profanity, No SALES; Blocked: porn, bias against Jews, Catholics, and Blacks. God made us all.
Col. 3:5-10. Live God's Commandments; become like Him. Rid yourselves of "anger, wrath, malice, slander & obscene speech".
Kamala’s Katrina moment? Fed response to hurricane, port strike unsettles Dems before VP debate
Over the weekend, Hurricane Helene battered western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, prompting large-scale flooding and killing more than 100 as of Monday. President Biden spent the weekend on the beach in Delaware and Harris was fundraising in California.
Let's pray for all those affected by the storm.
It reminds me of some Heavenly messages - God the Father has said Abortion and unnatural s*x 'relationships' and more break His Commandments. Along with other reasons, He's started punishing our nation, and other nations who do the same, hoping we will turn to HIM in repentance and ask for His forgiveness. He wants to help us but He can't help unless we help Him by living His Commandments.
Instead people think our weather is caused by 'climate change.' He has told us He's allowing catastrophes in hope we will turn to Him. Turn to God and seek His forgiveness, then change your immoral life styles - this will go a long way towards healing our nation.
Kindly pray for America.

Over the weekend, Hurricane Helene battered western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, prompting large-scale flooding and killing more than 100 as of Monday. President Biden spent the weekend on the…