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I'm a conservative Libertarian, I love my country and the people within it. However I'm very concerned for the future of this great nation, and the entire world, we appear to be in the grip of powerful forces that wish to do us harm. I believe the solution is simple, the people of the United States, and the world at large, need to stand up and say ENOUGH!
I'm a conservative Libertarian, I love my country and the people within it. However I'm very concerned for the future of this great nation, and the entire world, we appear to be in the grip of powerful forces that wish to do us harm. I believe the solution is simple, the people of the United States, and the world at large, need to stand up and say ENOUGH!
When I saw this meme that was exactly my thoughts. With such a long list of highly questionable behavior by our government and media why should I jump onto this bandwagon? Maybe we should support Ukraine, but the government and media, especially this administration, telling us to do this is incredible.
CDC hiding data? Who would have guessed? Tip of the iceberg
Why not take the San Francisco homeless to live in Nanzi's mansion?
Need to have an attitude of gratitude. Pray for Ukraine!
The Democrat Party died with JFK, but they kept the facade to trick people into voting for them.
Biden, what a mess. I really wonder where we would be today if Trump just shut up and stayed off Twitter?
Here in the United States people are investing heavily in precious metal, LEAD . . . they can't keep enough on the shelf. Good job Joe!
Bill Gates puts his foot in his mouth again
Scientists have no problem admitting it? I wonder when the government will?
The latest conspiracy theory, which may or may not be true, is the Biden regime is planning a cyber attack on America and is going to blame it on Russia.
The vacicicne was a colossal failure: Efficacy is measured in mere months, couldn't stop the spread, couldn't even stop severe disease, and most certainly couldn't stop the pandemic, a natural mutation did that. Assuming none of the feared longer side effect appear, it did blunt the infections somewhat, if you want to call that a "success", okay.
A study at Harvard in the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to test how long they could tread water. On average they lasted only 15 minutes. But right before they drowned, the researchers would pluck them out, let them rest for a few minutes - and put them back in. How long do you think they lasted the second time? 10 minutes? 2 minutes? No! 60 hours! That's right! 60 hours!
This is because the rats now had the hope of being rescued. HOPE IS A VERY POWERFUL THING!
Facebook was actually arrogant enough to "fact check" one the most prestigious medical journals in the world.
Denmark has announced all restrictions will be lifted Feb. 1st. Because Covid-19 is "no longer a socially critical disease"
Apparently Trudeau just learned that freedom isn't such a "fringe" idea after all. Maybe Biden will get a clue as well?